Dont kill me plz

20 2 2

Sorry for no updates lately I've been
At my grandmas house
My cousins house
Both like 3 times
I've been a waiter at a fair restraunt for my church

I've been sleeping a lot more because the fair wears me out

School shopping

All of ideas
And a writers block :/

But Tera's no excuse for not updating this book

But on another note


Black leather ones they so fancy!

I also got CABLE!!! When I moved to my new room i didint he cable but now I have it so it's awesome

And I've been kinda lost in my own fantasies buuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttt

Lives been ok........

So my mum lost her job because her doctor shes working for is going to Montana

But now she has another!!!!

And we are now keeping our house

Also my grandmas bird died :/

He was a 70 year old (we think) African grey named Zoulo



Yea I'm done hope you guys are ok ill update SOOON!!!!!!!

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