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(The song in the media is "Im going to build a wall" by Shrek the Musical, the ending is really good were he's singing "imma harden my heart" now onto the rant?)

I don't know why, but I love plays. I would rather go to a play then watch the movie. I really like plays. The live performance and the heat of being on stage and doing a one to two-take movie and having these lines to remember, it just I like it so much. My favorite musical play is Shrek the Musical. The emotion in the songs and the heat of everything is so amazing. I get chills from listening to some of there songs. A couple months ago my HighSchool did Shrek the musical, I wanted to jump up out of my seat and jump on stage and just tell each of them how much I loved there acting. ^_^

Ahhh, I can't wait to do acting in plays, I can't sing but maybe I can get by and do the play this year.

I also wanted to say about Shrek the musical it's just so good. Shrek was my favorite movie when I was littler. Like Donkey is bae xD (I use bae as a joke because if you call your bf/Gf bae your stupid like really, you can't say my gf/bf is before anyone else?)
And uhh, it's hard to use emotion when your reading this but I freaking love acting. I want to pursue acting as a career. My job list is;

I want to do acting as my job, and writing as my hobby. And write songs and be a singer as a slow job. And I just like rap, it'd be cool to be a rapper but I am not about gangsta rap life, I'd revive hip-hop!

And I have decided when I turn 18 I will start to become a daily Vlogger. I will get my license if I don't have it. I will have a car, I will have a job. I will have a apartment and probably be going to college (Unless somehow I just become a writer then I'll still go to college xD)
And I want to vlog my life. I'm the type of person who almost everyday wants to go somewhere. If it's going to the mall then yea. If it's driving a hour to go to a huge sneaker store I'll do it. I like to be out all day. Come back home have dinner if I haven't. The go and watch a movie or play games or watch YouTube. I love being out and doing stuff. I hate being in my house all day. I learned for how dark and other things I am, I love being positive. I can be a depressing muck all the time without much effort. But if I put in that effort to smile and laugh then to me the world can be a brighter day. I may want to be in the house today, but I will force myself to go out and take a walk. Because if you aren't positive atleast sometimes then what's the point of living? I want to make people feel good for 8-15-20+ minutes a day by Vlogging and having fun. Or I want to make music and have people sit there and vibe and just relate and love it. Or I want someone to read a book of mine and laugh and remember my characters and find there best friend through that(My best friend knows who he is!)
Or I want to act and make people laugh or have a good time, or share there first kiss under my face at the movies. Or remember me as the actor who wore a banana suit a whole movie! Or I want to act and be in the limelight on that stage live feeling the moment and capturing that light that shows my face and the sweat running down it from the intensity. Or I want to be in a musical and get my solo that makes people get chills. I want people to know who I am! Not just some kid who made it through life with a second hand job living in a regular home. I want to make people happy and remember me and reminisce and smile and laugh. I want to live in a nice house and teach my kids this is what hard work gets you. I want to be able to break my chains from my life and find success and do it by my own rules. I want people to remember me and say "He knew how to live his life" or find my album and say "God this is such a classic!" I don't want to have my life be a mystery I want it to be something that when I get up I am ready to start my day and take you along with me. I want to share my passion, I want to share my happiness, I want to share my grief and sadness. I want to make sure that everyone can say they knew who I was. I want to show people my feelings, and show them what I believe. I want to be able to be satisfied with my words as I tell you them. I want to have my heart open to tell you anything you want. I want to be able to help my friends in need. My life is a tornado and I want it to spin faster but away from the people. I want to taste every flavor and decide this is what I want in life. I want to lay on my death bed and say "I beat the game, I loved my life in my way happy as I could possibly be" I want to meet my idols. I want to get my shoes and show my passion and try to make others get me. I want to smile and say this is my life every day. I want to be able to go to bed tired but happy. I want to become a new me!....

This is a 1069 word rant...It started with acting, that is so weird! Well goodnight and comment about how you feel. If I'm a idiot then hey :/

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