Chapter 14 (for TCT)

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Hey guys I am writing a chapter for Fanfrick! THANKS KARLIES! oh yea im Lord_Atticus_Attemis DUH!

Atticus' POV

I hated being back at camp, thank the gods no one really knew me....or my REAL father...

I looked around the Hera cabin, looking for the mark......I stopped at the wall by her left foot.

There....there, at that very spot was the mark of skull with a scythe slanted to the right and a crescent moon the indent facing into the skull.

I got up walked over, put my hand on the mark and said in Greek, "The which I have the key....please grant me access for I need to see....".

As soon as I finished a door opened....and I entered.......


Flashback and Lucy's POV

I hugged Atticus, treasuring him, for I knew that he was soon going to leave. When I looked at his face.....I saw something I never thought I would.....

Instead of a confident cold stare.....I seen.....hollow broken eyes....sunken in cheeks....his three striped scar that ran under his right eye to his chin looked like worry lines.....

The one to from his nose over his eye to his hair line was kind of drooping....his once content lips were down in slightly......his body was soft and easy to relax in....not tense like he usually was.......

No.....this wasn't the man I fell in love with.....this was a broken lost 19 year old....

"Atti what's wrong?", I asked with anguish, he sighed holding me closer. "Have I ever told you.....what happened to me before I was here?".

He inquired, I shook my head, " Well....most people don't know about the small camp in Ohio....Camp Tameza.....I lived there sense I was born.....I took up quest.....and one EX......

Well she asked if I wanted to go see a movie.....and will I was driving she nocked me out, and dragged me into Tartarus....".

He said Tartarus with familiarity, I nodded for him to continue. "And I was down there for 20 earth years.....but for some reason it turned into only 2.....".

I choked, he nodded before continuing, "But in Tartarus was 20,000.....".

I looked at him wide eyed, he nodded, I turned away tears spilling from my eyes. When my vision cleared...he was back to normal....back to his cold self.

"Let me show you something....", he sighed and got up, he took off his trench coat, and shirt....

The first thing I noticed was his eight pack....I shook my head, and looked at his body again.

There was scars EVERYWERE! I must have been awe struck because he nodded and turned around....

And on his back was a scar that took up all of his pale back. It was a square with lines in the corner, stars in the middle of the lines and in the middle a skull.

I looked down...I've never seen him without anything except his trench coat, which he barely took of anyways.

He put everything back on and sat back down, "and another technically 20, actually a son of Tartarus....".

I looked at him, my eyes wide......he nodded gravelly, I got up abruptly and ran away crying......................


*flashback end and Sonya's POV*

"Sooooooo why did you come to CSS?" I asked smiling, Atticus looked out at the ocean, he sighed and sat down.

" Camp half-blood hates me....for I don't know why......I apparently insulted Rome...... Camp Tameza.....I murdered the two hundred demi-gods there.....and CSS hates me because of my past.....".

I looked at him wide eyed, I couldn't believe I was sitting next to a murderer. "Why did you kill the demi-gods?".

"The same reason I killed my five sisters.....I don't know....why did Nyx kill all my friends and foster families? Why did I have to live on the street?".

He questioned harshly, I looked at him strangely, "You said you grew up at CT!". I Shot at him.

He looked at me, "I lied....I don't like talking about the years on the streets....". I nodded getting up.

"Well see you later.....", I said walking away.....knowing more than I wanted about the boy in black......


*Flashback ends and Atticus' POV*

I left the room and walked back into Hera's cabin, I frowned to myself. "Well I guess ill always be that 'Boy In Black'....but its better....than murderer......".

I whispered to myself, then I noticed Percy in the door way. "Hey Atticus....why are you talking to yourself?".

I sighed, "No reason Perce.....lets just go and find Aliana.....". He shook his head.

I looked at him, my weird silver eyes with full moons for pupils and ice on the top that dripped onto the bottom were a black fire was...and instead of little lines on the iris I had purple lighting.

"WE ARE GOING TO FIND HER!" I yelled, he flinched and nodded Hesitatingly, I put on my contacts making my eyes brown.

"Oh that's why your eyes look different in public...", Percy said walking out the door.

I nodded, "Yea people usually get scared of my when my eyes are like that...". I said following.

"Oh I thought it was because you murdered 200 people.....". He said looking at me.

I growled at him......................

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