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Forgot to tell you guys!

ITS SUMMER FOR THE STRATTUS HOUSEHOLD! (I'll use Strattus as the last name for my family, and big groups of people in my town, like I use Logan for me (Also in my ideas book, it says

Logan: I will give myself this nickname, because
Logan Lerman (Percy in Percy Jackson)
It's the guy version of Lucy?
Because L is my favorite letter
I'm Left handed (Left Logan, L?)
Logan is a hollow my soul (wow Me good one!)
It's a unisex name so I can use it all about)

I like my reasoning for using Logan as my nickname

Literally everyone calls me that now XD my mom even slips up sometimes and my real name and Logan don't even go together AT ALL!

I used Atticus for these reasons my book says

Because it sounds cool
Name dosent fit me sadly so I am using it for a cool guy (WOW ME I SO CONFIDENT XD)



But yea it's summer for my city and I'm loving it up by staying up till 3 AM and sleeping till 12 AM/PM (noon)


Sorry but pineapple me if I'm weird!

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