If tonight could last forever

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The crisp night air was refreshing to the couples on the street, the black of the night was disrupted with twinkling stars that made a full blanket over the town that had cars of all brands driving through. The people were laughing and smiling, the shops were brightly lit up and made the scene warm and inviting.

Tonight was a celebration time, it was like every year, the festival was always the same but it always was fun. This night was sure to be amazing, for everyone the rides seemed to be new every year. The old giddiness you had as a child was brought out with the cotton candy and the roller coasters that made people scream. 

This night was one of the funniest nights of the year for many of people, and here tonight was three couples, there kids, and a bustling energy to be seen. Logan Strattus, Crimson Tide, Skye Vortex, Collin Bleu, Jupiter Angel, Ashley Angel, Leo Angel, Elise Angel, Sarah Strattus, and Skyla Strattus all chose to laugh this night.

The two fourteen year old identical brother and sister were tasked with watching the younger sisters.  Wearing blue jeans red converse and a black hoodie Leo's golden hair was perfectly tussled. He was laughing at his sister who tripped and got dirt on her black converse and blue jeans. Her black cardigan was not ripped, neither was the red shirt. Her blonde hair was up in a pony tail. 

The two younger sisters only eight years of age were wearing all black, hoodies and blouse. Much like there father, there clothing was bleached of much color. But Skyla's silver hair stuck out, and the white-blonde of Sarah's hair was down like her sisters.

"Now that we are situated why don't we ride the freezing terror?" Leo asked a little out of breath from laughing. They all nodded and started to walk for the long line that always marked the ride. Screams could be heard from the ride as it hit its climax and shuttered down, the waves of cold air which the ride got it's name from always chilled the onlookers standing in line, and froze the ones on the ride. 

The small group got into line and started there wait, laughing and telling jokes pointing out funny things and having a good time. This was what there Fridays should be like always. The time seemed to pass slowly but quick at the same time, until the kids were in line to go next. 

"You four can take the front cars! Remember to strap in!" The lady in a blue vest said cheerfully. The group nodded and took there seats, Skyla and Sarah in the back, and Leo and Elise in the front. They strapped in quickly and got ready for the icy looking cars to move. 

Minutes past before the lady started telling the riders rules and regulations about the ride. She ended with a "Have fun!" and clicked the button that let them go. The ride started slow as always.

It took a few seconds before it got off the rails and picked up speed, the air started to turn cold as they twisted continuously into the ice cave. When they entered, a winter wonderland formed around them.

Fake snow covered it all, small fake fires showed and granted light, snowman with scars to brooms dotted the plain. A huge yeti with its mouth open made a huge roar as the cars descended and went out of the cave into the open night air. 

The speed slowed as the climax was coming to the cars, seconds passed which felt like hours as it hit the top. The wait was torturous but then the cars dipped and went full speed down in a vertical drop.

They all screamed in excitement, the cold air chilling them to the bone and making them shake slightly. Twist and turns hit them as the bottom came into view, making the ride even longer. Three loopy-loops came and went and the cars came back to the track. 

Slowing down the ride came to the end, the lady started rambling the end of the ride words and everyone started to get out slowly, a little dizzy and cold but all around happy. Everyone laughed and were smiling. 

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