
"I know, it's totally random and all but, it's been coming up a lot, and considering El and I are going away for a while after this... I need to know... Well... What to pack. So, I'm just gonna ask you. What do you think about having a little brother of sister?"

I'd been waiting for this conversation to happen for years... I just stared for a minute, fiddling with the silver around my wrist. I'd put foundation on my wrists myself.

"Is El pregnant?" I asked instantly.

"No, no definitely one hundred percent not. We've just been talking about maybe trying to have a kid after we got married." Dad shrugged. "And as I said, we're going on our honeymoon... Lots of alone time... If you say no then I'll have to make sure to get some...protection..." He was literally asking me whether to use condoms or not god. "You'd be okay if we did that right...?"

"Yeah," Holy fudge that means they'll have sex... "eww..."


"Nothing..." I muttered cringing at the thought of... Yeah this is awkward... I couldn't believe I had to do this.

"So you'd be okay with it?" Dad asked.

"I guess..." I shrugged. "Maybe... I don't know..."

"Think about it for me."

"Okay..." And I fiddled with my bracelet again.

Dad just sighed. "It's fine." He said. "Everybody in here is close to either El or I; nobodies going to freak over your wrists. Okay?"

"But still..." I just stared at them. The foundation was already rubbing off. "Grandma saw them... Before... She was in the dressing room, and she was all like oh my god Tellie you look so grown up and she was helping me with my bracelet and she saw them..."

"I know..." Dad said softly. "I've talked to her about it... It's okay Tells." He added. "You're still okay with the wedding right?"


"I know you had...some... Issues before... If you're not okay with it Nows your last chance." He said softly. "Are you okay with it?"

I just nodded. "She makes you happy. And marrying her makes you happy. And I like you being happy... You guys are practically already married anyway; not much is changing. Just... Your happy."

He just nodded. "Don't purposely destroy the dress. You actually look nice."

"Ill try."


The only weddings I remembered was Darian and Zayn's and Chantelle and Niall's. Darian and Zayn looked like it was pulled out if twilight, and Chantelle and Niall's was sorta similar but a lot of pink was there.

The setting of dad and El's was different to those ones. This was in an actual wedding venue, where as Darian and Zayn's and Niall and Chantelle's were in gardens.

I didn't really know half of the people hear, I knew some of Eleanor's friends and her parents but I didn't know most of the people that were there 'cause of her.

El was walking down the aisle right now, and half the people were now in tears.

And then all the boring crap came...

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest said looking to dad.

"I do." Dad nodded.

Lost In Stereo {Sequel To LINLYAA}Where stories live. Discover now