Chapter Sixty Two-You Said Make Me

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"Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect." -Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix


I wanted to scream at myself for being so naive. Obviously dad was never gonna come to my concert. He'd only ever gone to one, out of seven, so why would he come to this one?

I drummed my fingers against the desk miserably listening to Mrs Newman ramble on about some shit.

If I really wanted to hear a lecture, I would've just stayed home from school today.

"And that is why you do not send nudes on snapchat." Newman said bluntly with a small nod. "Now the next thing I wish to speak about is very important. And there's been some awful rumours about it going through this school."

"Probably drugs." Xavier muttered next to me.

"Not drugs, Xavier." Newman said boldly. "Self harm."

Those two words and my stomach was churning. I hadn't cut since January, but the scars were still on my wrists.

"Self harm is a very-"

I didn't want to listen to what Newman had to say about cutting. Every word she said felt like it was directed at me. But she didn't know... No one but me, Zach, Corey and One Direction (god that's terrible...) knew...

"People who self harm do it all for attention..." Jessie muttered under her breath so only Xavier and I could hear.

"No." I replied, my jaw clenching. "If it was all for attention how come you don't notice the people who wear sleeves all through summer."

Jessie stared at me in confusion, where as Xavier's eyes widened as he looked down to my arms covered by the usual long sleeve tops I wore.

Newman cleared her throat snapping me out of my thoughts. "Now, cutting is only-"

The bell rang loudly cutting Newman off and as usual everyone was up and racing to the door before you could say quidditch. I felt obliged to follow after Jessie rather than follow Xavier like I wanted to. Jessie was great, but Xavier seemed to be able to make me smile a lot more than she did. And it wasn't a fake smile. It was real, and I hadn't had that in a long time.

Jessie was already blabbing on about what colour to pain her nails when I saw Zach. He was nodding as Corey spoke to him, but I knew he wasn't listening. The way he was leaning against the wall his arms folded and eyes looking lost as ever. Then he looked to me.

Suddenly my gut filled with butterfly's, and my heart began to race. His eyes no longer looked like he was lost or somewhere far away, but like he'd found what he was looking for.

"Tellie..." Jessie muttered. "He's not worth it..."

I wanted to just scream at her. She had no idea...

"He is." I said bluntly, still staring at Zach. I could feel my cheeks burning red with every second me and Zach had eye contact.

"He isn't..." Jessie said. "Has he even tried to speak to you since youse broke up?"

"No... I was gonna talk to him next week."

"You've said that all year."


"Term ends on the fifteenth. And we both know you're not coming that day, so when are you gonna talk to him? It's March 30th you've got like fifteen days. Just talk to him now."

"Next week."

"How long are you gonna say next week? Why are you even scared to talk to him?"

"'Cause what do I do if I ask him what he thinks about me, and he says he doesn't?"

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