Chapter Twenty Eight-It's To Late Love

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"That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt."-Augustus Waters, The Fault In Our Stars


I'd been here before.

In other dreams.

The same dark hallway, but it was now lined with mirrors instead of being flat out dark, and a small light dimmed at the end now.

I walked towards the small light, a warm fuzzy feeling over coming me. I so badly wanted to enter the warm light. It looked safe in there. Better than here in uttermost darkness. I reached my hand out towards light, crashing backwards as a dark figure emerged.

I laid on the ground. Watching as the dark figure came into the view, pulling off the half neutral mask it was wearing. And then my eyes widened-

-I woke, my heart pounding and the image of the hallway floating through my mind. I'd been there before. I couldn't place my finger on where or when, but I definitely has walked those halls.

I rose from the bed, not exactly shocked to find myself still in the same clothes I'd worn yesterday. I found myself doing that a lot lately, not changing into pyjamas at night, just sleeping in my clothes and changing in the morning. But right now the only thing I was bothered to do was re-plait my hair and eat. I left the room, still plaiting my hair.


"When'd you get here?" I asked staring at Eleanor in confusion.

"Last night." She replied. "You were asleep."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"I was going to 'cause you were on the lounge asleep anyway, but your dad didn't want to."

I could recall when dad left for some reason, at the time I didn't really know but now I was sure he was meeting El. I remembered as everybody else went to bed, leaving me alone watching Divergent, Clockwork Angel in my hands, not open, but practically calling for me to read about Will showing Tessa through the institute in London. But I couldn't think of ever getting in to bed at all.

"How'd I get in bed then?" I questioned sitting on the lounge.

"Your dad carried you in-do you want tea or something?"

"Hot chocolate please."

"What book were you reading?"

"Clockwork Angel."

"Is it good or...?"

"It's good. Why wouldn't it be if I was wasting my life reading it if it wasn't?"

"The last book you read you were in tears." She countered.

"The last book I read was The Fault In Our Stars, where two teenagers meet at cancer support group and fell in love." I replied curling my lip at the memory of the days spent reading The Fault In Our Stars, I remember one of the first things I ever did while reading that book was tweet "Be my Augustus Waters." That's usually what I did... It was only yesterday I tweeted "Be my William Herondale." And there was another the same except it had Tobias Eaton instead of William or Augustus.

"That's a movie isn't it?" Eleanor asked walking to the lounge and handing me a mug of hot chocolate.

"Yeah, it has Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort in it." I replied.

"So you're coming back to London with me right?"

"Yep. I'm sick of this touring stuff..."

"Just saying it now, you're gonna have to help me move the rest of my stuff in."

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