Chapter Seventeen-Gold Medal For You

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The scent of smoke and alcohol filled my nose as I followed Zach through Cam's crowded house. There were people everything, holding cups of obviously some sort of alcohol.

"You could've mentioned everyone would be drinking..." I muttered breaking the silence that lurched between me and Zach ever since we walked in the house.

"I didn't know..." He replied with a shrug. "If I did, I wouldn't have come. The last thing I need is to go home smelling like vodka."

"Same here."

My stomach churned as Corey came into view. Leaning against the wall next to Cam and another boy his eyes wandering to me and narrowing with disgust.

"What's he doing here?" Zach sneered motioning to Corey.

"I invited him." Cam shrugged. I looked to Corey who still had his eyes on me, soon looking towards Zach.

"Heard you guys got arrested." Corey began. "Do you think it's a wise idea to come here after that?"

"Yeah I do." Zach hissed.

"Even though people are smoking pot in the next room?"


"Wait." I cut in looking from Corey to Zach then Cam. "There's people doing drugs here?"

"Yeah..." Cam muttered sheepishly. "My brother and his friends may have brought some... Just stay in this room and you'll be fine."

"I'm surprised." Corey commented. "Aren't you that kind of girl now anyway?"

"None of your business Payne." I hissed my fist clenching. The last thing I wanted was another argument with Corey, especially in person.

"You're so dead when you get home Tellie."

"And how would you know?"

"I heard Liam talking to your dad tonight, he's really pissed at you, when you come home from a party with drugs and alcohol he's gonna freaking murder you."

I clenched my jaw, holding back the urge to punch Corey then and there. Maybe it was because every word he said was true, or maybe it was because only this morning I'd been debating whether I had any sort of feeling for him other then friendship. Or maybe it was because he had been accusing Zach-my boyfriend, god that sounds weird-of playing me.

"And your mum's not gonna do the same?" I questioned curtly.

"Nah, she knows I'm here. Liam's picking me up in like half and hour."

"Good for you."

"What's your problem Tomlinson?"

"What's yours?"

"You know what it is."

"Do clarify."

"Come with me."

"In your dreams Payne."

Cam was laughing under his breath as Corey glared at me. I'd seen Corey look at Liam the way he looked at me right now.It was pure hatred that didn't look like it was ever going away.

"Fuck you Corey." I hissed turning on my heels and stalking down the hallway.


I knew it was either Zach or Corey following after me but I didn't look to follow back to find out. I nervously bit my lip as I walked out of the house, the upbeat music still loud as I stood on the front porch.

"You okay?"

I turned and looked at Zach wiping a tear from my eye.

"I'm fine." I muttered.

Lost In Stereo {Sequel To LINLYAA}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora