Chapter Fourty Seven-Yes And I Am Too

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"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be." - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire


Mum didn't look annoyed at all when she picked me up yesterday. Last time she got called to pick me up from school 'cause I was in a fight she went crazy. But this time...

I wonder if she knows I got suspended... She mustn't if she's this calm.

I slowly went down stairs, biting my lip as I went into the lounge room where mum and Liam were both briskly sitting.

"We need to talk about something Corey..." Mum said.

"What?" I asked sitting on the lounge.

"Yesterday was the fifth time I've had to pick you up from school because you were caught punching someone." Mum exclaimed. "I-I'm sick of it. Five times Corey! Five!"

"The other three were last year." I shot back.

"Either way it's still five times. I can't handle it anymore. Me and your father have talked about it-"

"You mean you and Liam?"

"No. I mean me and your father. Remember him? Or did you just decide not to when you realised telling me that you'd go live with him didn't work?"

"Why would you talk to him about it...?"

"Because. Five times. Not to mention you ditching school come on Corey! This-This..." Mum groaned. "What makes you think it's okay?"

"I wouldn't be I'm fights with people in they didn't start punching me! Tellie started punching me, Zach started punching me-what was I supposed to do?" I snapped getting to my feet.

"You want me to believe Tellie started punching you?"

"She did."


"Des he's telling the truth." Liam cut in."Ask Louis, Tellie was the one who punched Corey first."

I smirked smugly as mum opened her mouth quickly closing it. She looked at Liam dully her eyes narrowed.

"Well... Either way..." Mum muttered. "Corey me and your father have been talking and we've come up with two solutions."

"Wow solutions? I didn't know I was a maths problem." I replied cockily.

"I'm sick of your attitude Corey." Mum hissed. "Snap out of it or you're going to live with your father."

My jaw dropped as mum got up from the lounge before she stormed out of the room. I looked to Liam.

"You-You won't let her send me to my dad will you...?" I asked my eyes wide.

"Isn't it funny how the moment your mum threatens that your all on to asking me to help you." Liam mused. "Yes. I will let her. You're so set on saying I have no authority over you."

"Spencer." I said bluntly. "What do you think she'll say if mum turns around and sends me to America?"

Liam bit his lip. "It's not up to me. It's up to your mum and dad."

I watched as Liam left. Fuck this life.

New text from: Jessie👾
How's suspension Payne?😉

New text to: Jessie👾
It's amazing you'd be surprised how nice it is to sleep 'til ten in the morning. How's TJ?? she's not texting me...

New text from: Jessie👾
She's not texting me either😕

New text to: Jessie👾

New text from: Jessie👾
I no. What did Zach do???

New text to: Jessie👾
It's something really personal to Tellie... You'll have to ask her... I shouldn't even know...

I bit my lip locking my phone and sliding it in my pocket. I hadn't really thought about how what Zach told me was true. Tellie did cut. Tellie self harmed.

I suppose it was expected. I mean, self harm is more common then it seems. And it's more than just cutting. There's all sorts of ways. Like taking too many pills. That's self harm I think....


I snapped my head up, watching as Spencer skipped into my room grinning.

"What?" I groaned.

"Mummy said we're going to see Grandma and Grandpa for Christmas." Spencer squealed.

Ugh. Another Christmas at Liam's parents. Yay. Note my sarcasm.

"Are you happy Corey?" Spencer asked tilting her head in confusion.

"No. No I'm not. I'm far from it." I snapped. "Just go away."


"Go away Spencer!"

"Mummy wants you."

"Whatever get out of my room."

Spencer huffed before stalking out the door. I still don't see how she's turning four next week... Too many birthdays. The other week was some of Niall's kid. I'm not sure which two... Actually I think both pairs of twins... I honestly can't remember.

I got up from my bed, walking out of the room and jogging down the staircase.

"...He's not a bad kid." Liam snapped. "You can't just ship him off to America 'cause you don't wanna deal with it. It's parenting."

"His father will be able to straighten him out." Mum scoffed. "He was in the army he knows what to do."

"Come on Destiny. He got in a couple of fights at school! Besides you know as much as I do that if you do ship him off to America, you're not getting him back."

"I can't deal with him right now!"

"So what's gonna happen if Spencer ever does something like that?"

"Spencer won't."

"How do you know?"

"Because Spencer is a good kid. Corey... I don't know what Corey is anymore!"

"You know I am actually his legal guardian?"

"Yes and I am too."

"So, as his legal guardian screw the sending him to his father. You know I don't see how you can call him Corey's father anymore. He doesn't give a shit about him."

I awkwardly stood on the staircase listening at a they bickered. Even though I hated admitting it, there was one thing I knew from the minute I heard them arguing.

I'm glad mum married Liam.










(Yes Tris Votes and Tris Comments (if you've read divergent you would get that))


Again sorry it's short

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