Chapter One-Does It Matter If I Was?

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  • Dedicated to All Time Low


•T E L L I E•

There was nothing fun about sitting in the backseat of the car driving home from Doncaster. My head against the window, one earphone in. It was plain boring, nothing but my music to interest me and lately, listening to Emblem3 didn't do that at all, "when we grow up we get different taste." dad had said when ever I complained about how boring it was to even say Emblem3. Right now, as I sat in the backseat of the car, dad was lecturing me on something I probably already knew about, I wasn't listening to anything he said to me, I was only listening to the soft sound of my music playing in my ear. The streets where now slowly starting to resemble London making me a tiny bit hopeful, there was nothing I wanted more than to be home, I would literally sell my soul to devil if he'd transport me to my bedroom with a click of his fingers. I never really understood why dad "had to" take me to Doncaster, his family never really took that much notice of me and to my mothers family all I was was a terrible reminder of the daughter they lost. I remember watching as Aunt Wendy almost broke into tears when she saw the ring that hung of the silver chain on my neck. "You just look like her, that's all." Gramma had assured me with a small reassuring grin, she was the only one on mums side who ever seemed to understand what it felt like to have everyone cry at the sight of you. "She'd be proud of you." Gramma had told me, and I didn't believe it for a second. I didn't know much about my mother, only what she looked like, had a tramp stamp and definitely loved my father, I only wish I could say I knew he loved her too... Even though I didn't know her, I knew she'd be ashamed to have me as a daughter. A pathetic twelve year old who didn't have the courage to tell her own father she hated the colour pink 'til she was ten. I was a coward. I always have been, and will always be, a coward.

"Tellie." Dad hissed snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked pulling the earphone out of my ear.

"You weren't listening at all were you?"

"Does it matter if I was?" I asked dully. Somehow conversations with dad always ended up in someone yelling, whether it was me or him there wasn't much difference-beside's when I yelled, I always ended up with no Internet for a week. Which is actually a big difference...although he always seems smug about it...

"Yeah Tellie it does." He snapped shooting me a sharp look through the rear view mirror.

"I don't see why..." I muttered putting my earphone back in my ear.

"Take your earphones out."

I groaned before pulling my earphone out. "What?"

"Are you still going to Tayla's tomorrow?"

"Yeah I am."

I put my earphones into my ears turning the volume up, resting my head against the glass listening to Oh Calamity.

I preferred it this way. Absolute silence between me and dad as I sat in the backseat and he drove. It was easier this way. There was no need for me to lie and tell him I loved life, no need to even fake a smile. I could just sit in peace with no one questioning about it.


When I woke my earphone's were no longer in my ears blasting music, and I was no longer in the backseat of the car my head against the window pane. I was on my bed with no memory of how I got there.


I slowly sat up on my bed running my fingers through my blonde hair before getting to my feet. Sometimes I like it when dad did this, carry me in the house instead of waking me up-he knew how rare sleep was for me, and I know he enjoyed it when I sleep in peace. No cursing or screaming, just sleep.

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