Chapter Four-Ask Tomlinson

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•C O R E Y•

I always hated school. It was a waste of time I don't think I'm ever going to use algebra in everyday life-I haven't so far why would I now?


I snapped my head around rolling my eyes as Zach walked towards me, I don't think I have a better friend then Zach, he's the one who gave me some tips of how to annoy the fuck out of Liam.

"Pierce." I replied my eyes narrowed.

"Hey, we aren't on last name bases all the time Corey." Zach said as he stood next to me.

"Whatever Zach, just don't call me Payne."

"Why? It's your last name."

"Yeah it's only my last name 'cause my mother changed it without asking me if I was okay with it."

Zach shrugged. "You could've easily said no."

"Come on Zach, you know my mum."

"Yeah... She's intimidating..."

I nodded in agreement as I put my bag on the ground. I rummaged through it groaning.

"Hey what do we first period? I can't find my timetable." I said dully putting my bag on my back again.

"Drama. Then music, then maths, then double english." Zach replied smugly.

"Shit I forgot my calculator." I cursed as we walked into the school. Our school had expensive written all over it. The large building that was painted just about every term, the windows always clear and white and nobody had enough guts to graffiti on it.

"Ask Tomlinson if you can borrow hers." Zach teased. Sometimes I regret ever telling him I liked Tellie, but at other times I'm glad I told him. if I hadn't told him they'd probably be dating right now. I could see the way Tellie looked at him sometimes, and the way whenever she spoke to him it was like she was trying to wrap him around her finger. And if he didn't know I liked her she would've succeeded.

"I'm not asking Tellie anything." I shot back.

"We both know there's one one thing you need to ask her."

"Which is?"

"If she'll date you."

Zach trying to play matchmaker was always bad. He had no idea who would click with who at all. He just picks a name and then finds another name. I still remember when he tried to get me with Tayla. It wasn't pretty...

"No way-"


At Tellie's voice I fell silent. Tellie and I never spoke at school. It was outside of school we talked 'cause outside of this building it was embarrassing to talk a girl in the year under you.

"H-hi Tellie..." I stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

"Tay's in Canada. Mady's sick. Christina's in the Bahamas and Mel's in Australia." She replied matter-of-factually. "So, I'm hanging with you this week-if that's okay with you..."

"It's fine with us." Zach smiled as Tellie stared at him. My fist clenched as I saw Zach wink at Tellie, it made my blood go cold the way her cheeks flustered and she smiled. She should be looking at me like that.

"Corey," Tellie muttered snapping me from my thoughts. "You're okay with that right...?"

"What-yeah... That'd be great Tellie..."

Actually it's far from it.

When I got home from school mum wasn't there. But Liam was. He was on the lounge on his laptop Spencer sitting next to him watching whatever shitty kids show she was watching. Sometimes I honestly wished Liam treated me how he treated Spencer. But he didn't, he treated me like what I was. A reminder his wife fucked another man.

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