Chapter Fourty Eight-I Get That

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"One must always be careful of books and what's inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Tessa Gray, Clockwork Angel


If Jack hadn't been a romantic bastard he would've lived. He would never have just stayed in the water while Rose waited for help, he probably would've pushed her off the board or whatever, saying "Move it bitch I'm gonna die."

But he didn't. He was the romantic idiot and it cost him his life.

Exhibit A on how having romantic feelings for someone is shit. It can cost you your life...

"That's it." Dad snapped storming into the room and turning the TV off. Titanic hadn't ended yet, but I was in tears knowing Jack was about to die. Why should he have to die? Why can't Rose be the romantic weirdo?

Dad banged the remote on the coffee table. "That's enough. The sad movie thing isn't helping so yeah stop. At least watch different movies. I swear you've watch Titanic ten times today, I'm gonna start quoting it if I see it again!"

If it were any other day I think I would've laughed. The thought of dad quoting Titanic... But it wasn't any other day. It was today. Even a comedian couldn't make me smile if they tried.

"I'll watch The Fault in Our Stars-"

"No, you've watched that about ten times as well. I don't wanna hear about Augustus Waters and metaphors."

"Then I'll just die..." I mused.

"That's not funny Cristell." Dad hissed. "Not funny at all."

"Wasn't meant to be..."

"You know you can't joke about crap like that? Ever."


"You almost killed yourself the other week, that's why."

I sighed. Twisting my hair around my finger. Sometimes I wish I did die then...

"Tells have you even done your hair since Monday?" Dad asked after a while.

"No." I admitted. I hadn't done anything since Monday really. I'd laid in the bath for hours somehow hoping I'd fall asleep and drown. But other then that, I'd watched sad movies and listened to Taylor Swift over and over again.

Dad sighed walking over to the lounge. "Love is this really all 'cause of a boy?"

"H-He told me to kill myself..." I stuttered.

"As I said the other day love. He's only saying it 'cause he knows it's gonna effect you. And you're not gonna let it get it to you are you?"

I didn't reply, or even nod. Zach's words had lingered in my head ever since Monday night, and here I was Friday, one pm still crying over it.

"Here's what's gonna happen." Dad started. "Tomorrow you're gonna come Christmas shopping with me and El a-"


"Deal with it Tells. You need to get out of the house and stop watching the same annoying movies. How do you even do it?"

I pulled at the sleeves of my jumper, resting my head in my knees.

"Do I have to go to therapy tomorrow...?" I asked dully.

"Hell yeah." Dad exclaimed. "Talking to your therapist will be good for you. Since you've obviously told her more than me..."

Again I didn't say anything. I knew if I said what I wanted to he'd yell at me.

"I don't like shopping..." I muttered.

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