Chapter Seven-Unforgivable

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•L O U I S•

I paced around the lounge room debating possibilities in my head. I knew I was frustrating Eleanor by pacing back and forth occasion cursing. But the thought of Tellie doing any form of self harming was eating me alive. There had to be a logical explanation for those blades... Maybe it wasn't blood, maybe it was painted.

Why would she paint with a blade?

It was stupid. Thinking it was paint, it was obvious it was blood and it wasn't an accident it was on there.

"Louis just text her-you've been going crazy about it for two days now. Text her if it bothers you that much." Eleanor said snapping me from my thoughts. I love Eleanor, but somehow it just made me sick she wasn't as worried as I was. How can she be damn calm with the idea of Tellie cutting there?

"I'm not texting her." I replied. "We both know she won't give me a proper answer."

"There's gotta be some explanation."

"Yeah there is. She freaking cuts herself!"

"You don't know that."

"It's not hard to figure out. You found freaking blades hidden all over her room, there was the blood in the bathroom the other month-"

"What blood?" Eleanor cut in.

"It was the other month, I went into her bathroom and there was a trail of blood. I thought she cut herself when she was shaving her legs or something."

"Tellie doesn't shaver her legs. She uses those wax sheets."

I stared at Eleanor in confusion. "Then why does she keep buying razors?"

"To break them..." Eleanor whispered. The knot in my stomach tightened as I stopped pacing. Here we were. Me and Eleanor saying how we think Tellie cuts. I stayed silent and looked at the ground. It sickened me to my core. Tellie was twelve. She couldn't be cutting. There was no reason why she would cut herself...was there...?

I need to find out something.

"What do I do?" I muttered as I sat on the lounge. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do if she is..."

"Neither... We don't even know they're her's yet. Maybe she's hiding them for a friend or something?" Eleanor suggested.

"I have a feeling Tellie wouldn't sprawl them across her room if she was hiding them for someone else."

"True... But come on do you really think Tellie would do what we're saying?"

Tellie was a mystery. She never failed to amaze me with the stuff she did. It wouldn't be that shocking if this was just one of those things that she did not really understanding what she was doing. But even if that was the case, I never thought she'd be that stupid.

"If she really felt the need to I think she would..." I admitted. "If she is, she probably doesn't realize what she's doing to herself..."

Silence ached through the room as I stood not looking anywhere really. Just standing. The thought made me sick. Thinking of my daughter holding a blade over her wrist and cutting down into herself. It would make any one sick.

"I don't think she would..." Eleanor said softly. "There's no reason for her to..."

I agreed with Eleanor. There was no reason for Tellie to cut herself. At least no reason either of us knew of.

"...Is he actually agreeing to this?" I asked almost laughing at Liam's plan. Just the thought of him trying to set Harry up on a date was enough to make me crack up with laughter. We all knew Harry was still holding on to Carly four years later. He could move houses and hide the photographs but he could never remove her from his mind. He never could forget her. And he shouldn't have to. He should be able to move on with his life without holding on to Carly.

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