Extra 102: Reality

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This short was inspired by the idea from BellaCool153. Enjoy!
"Where are we going? Why did you make me do this again?" I asked as I followed Barry through another portal. We were running for quite a while, but stopped suddenly.
I stood up off the ground and dusted off my knees. When I came to my senses, I examined our surroundings. Everything looked normal. There were busy streets and little shops lined up across the way. I decided to take Barry exploring. After a while, we ran to S.T.A.R Labs.
"WRAP," someone yelled. ".....What are the doubles doing here? We didn't need them today.....You can go home guys," someone said pointing to Barry and I.
"Excuse me?" I asked. "Doubles? What is this? We're not doubles, we're The Flashes."
"Way to stay in character guys.........SECURITY!" The same guy yelled. "Grant, take 5," the man said before he sat down in his seat. Barry and I were then escorted out and dumped in the back alleyway.
"Wrap?.....S.T.A.R Labs didn't look be same. All those lights, cameras, and people. Our whole team wasn't in there. I know this seems fine, but Barry......I don't think we're in Central City anymore."
"You're telling me, this place doesn't even look remotely close to Central City," Barry said before running across the street. He came back with a hot dog. "Wanna bite?" He asked, holding it up.
"All I know is that we have to find a way out of here and fast."
"On it," Barry said before he sped away into the streets. I was still at the exit of the "set". A few minutes later, Barry came out of the building.
"Did you find anything?" I asked eagerly.
"What? Find-"
"Did you see anything or anyone that could get us home? Maybe Wells or Cisco or something."
"No....but truly, you're so amazing at staying in character. I need some tips from you."
"Excuse me?" I asked. "I'm not an actress, and neither are you. You're my speedster companion and my soon to be husband. You need to put on your big boy pants and get a move on here. Let's go," I said before grabbing his arm and dragging him along the streets, only to find someone speeding in.
"Hey, I didn't have any luck finding anything, but I do kno- Who's that?" Barry asked.
"This is Ba-Wait......If you're my Barry with the speed, who are you?" I asked to the person I was dragging.
"Grant.......Grant Gustin.......I play The Flash on the hit CW show. But, are you the real deal? Or is this just a stunt from management just to mess with me?" He asked. I dropped Grant, and Barry and I sped around. The next thing we knew, we were carrying a passed out Grant back to his home.
"Where am I?" Grant asked when he woke up. I had been playing with his dog, Nora and Barry was in the kitchen eating everything he could find.
"You're home. You passed out after we revealed our identities."
"Yeah, but who could blame me? And how did you get me home, anyway?" Grant asked.
"A little digging in your case file. Let me just say, you have a pretty interesting background: Thomas Hugo Grant Gustin, Born January 14th, 1990, six foot two, son of-"
"I get it. You're stalkers. Don't go blabbering my information to everyone. Then I'd really have to do something about it-"
"Really?" I asked, walking over to the window and opening it. "Hey Fans! GRANT GUSTIN IS-" I yelled before I was pulled from the window.
"Your character on the show is slightly similar than the real thing. Definitely less sarcastic and pushy," He commented.
"Well I ain't no actress now. This is all real."
"What's it like? Is Central City everything like it's described?" Grant asked.
"Its everything you described. Except, that Central City is real and we have to get back to it. We have a team and business to attend to."
"And I don't know how you're gonna get back. I'm just an actor. I don't have as much brain power for science like you do."
"Sometimes I find it hard to believe there's one in there-" Barry mumbled.
"What was that?" Grant asked.
"Nothing," Barry replied.
"While you two kiss and make up, I'm gonna go search for a way home," I said before I sped onto the streets. I searched every strip and store, hoping for a clue or a hint to how we're going to get home. I then went to the only place on this earth I know.
"And.....cut! Great job, Danielle. Break!" The director yelled before he sprang up from his chair and walked over to the dessert table. I walked over to one of the directors and they noticed my presence.
"Hey.....isn't that the girl from earlier today? Better call-"
"Though I have super speed, I'm not hard of hearing," I said toward the soundman who was whispering.
"Who are you? I want you off my set......SECURIT-"
"No need," I said putting my hands up. I sped around the set and blocked all the entrances. The crowd looked at me amazed.
"Yeah....amazing, right?" I asked. "Now look, I'm stuck here with my fiancé Barry, and we need to get back home to Central City. I thought you could help. Since you film a lot of the sciency stuff, I thought you could help us get back home.........This is really happening. I'm not a figment of your imagination," I said, trying to snap the crew out of their daze.
".......Can't help here....Sorry......"
"Don't make me call my meta friends...."
"At your service," they said bowing their heads.
"That's more like it. Now, off to get Barry," I said before I sped back to Grant's house.
"How's the update on the-Okay!" I said as I walked in on Barry and Grant. Grant and Barry were playing "Flash" in the living room. Barry and Grant were both in costume. Nora and Jett were dressed as metas, and Barry was teaching Grant the ways of the speedforce.
"Flash one and Flash two, sorry to ruin the moment, but we could possibly have found a way back home. Let's go," I said motioning to Grant and Barry. Barry picked up Grant and sped him to the location.
"Whha.....that was...wow......That's awesome!" Grant said, starstruck
"Yeah yeah dream boy, let's go," I said before we walked inside. The directors proposed their idea, and we agreed to give it a try.
"Similar to how you travelled in other moments, you have to travel at similar speeds to open up the portal. From there, you take the wheel."
"Okay, we need a big enough space to create maximum speed."
"And we have it for you. Use the set of the speed lab."
"Perfect!" I replied before following the crew to that set. We said our goodbyes, and Barry spent a while talking to Grant. Who knew that such a strong bond could be built in such a short time.
"See you later, buddy," Barry said to Grant. Grant smiled. Before we ran, Barry sped over to Grant and got the perfect selfie. "Its for the scrapbook," Barry replied when he joined me.
"Scrapbook! Even though you'll be on separate earths, your bromance will still live on," I mocked with my hand over my heart. "I'll write a fan fiction about it. I'll post it on Wattpad, or mail it to you or something," I said to Grant. "I like the ship name: "Bant."
"Bye to you too. See you later," Grant said before I got in running position. "And if you're coming back, a little heads up would be nice," Grant said.
"I don't think my phone carrier supports calls over earths," I said with a wink before we were off.
Barry and I ran as fast as we could, and the portal opened up. We sped through, and eventually found our way through the end.
We stood up from the portal, and examined our surroundings. This wasn't our home, and this definitely wasn't somewhere we wanted to be.
"Hello Flashes........."
How was this short? I hope you enjoyed! Thanks to BellaCool153 for the idea of this short! I'll see you in the next short! -Flashette1
**Part 2?**
**Regular updates of book 3 will continue this Tuesday when a new episode airs**
**Baby names are in the works, as well as wedding ideas!!! **

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