Chapter 2 "Goodbye Australia!"

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*Kelsey's POV*

Today is the last day of school. YAY! Tomorrow I will be out of this place and back home in London!!

I just got out of the shower and i changed into a white high low singlet, a denim vested hoodie, red high waisted shorts and my black high top converse.
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Once I got dressed I skipped breakfast grabbed my phone and my backpack. Then headed out the door.

*at lunch*

J: "did you finish packing?"he whispered

K: "nahh I'm packing my cloths today so my father won't notice. Did you?"

J: "yup I'm all set!"

K: "I'll show you the note tomorrow"

J: "that's cool. I can't wait!"he squealed

K: "shh Jakey you sound like a girl!"I giggled

J: "would I look pretty if I was a girl?"

K: "you would look absolutely beautiful!"I beamed

J: "thanks"he winked

K: "this is why I love you!"I laughed

*at the end of the day*

..: "KELSEY!"

I turned to find Ashton calling me?

K: "yeah?"

A: "today is your last beating"he smirked

I groaned.

He started punching me until I hit the ground.

I finally had the courage to speak.

K: "stop. Just stop! Just so you know you are far from a gentleman! I hope you realize that! One day karma will hit you so hard you will regret what you did to me and to anyone you've ever hurt!"I said sternly as I slowly stood up.

He went silent.

K: "goodbye Ashton Fletcher Irwin! I am so happy I won't see you again!" With that I walked away and out of the school doors.

*Ashton's POV*

Her words struck me. I admit I feel a little bad for hurting her. But it's not like she gets abused at home right? Ugh she's right I'm not a gentlemen! I am such an asshole! But what did she mean she won't be seeing me again?

*Kelsey's POV*

I just finished packing all my cloths and hid my suit cases in my closet.

Now I'm in my backyard doing gymnastics I took classes when I was 7 and finished at about 10 years young.

I was doing my back tucks (back flips) and my splits every now and then. I also did some round offs, back handsprings and back walk overs. It felt amazing doing gymnastics knowing that I have special talents.

I checked the time on my phone it said 8:30pm so I decided to eat dinner and by that I mean just eat a salad and some water.

I'm actually afraid of junk food but every once and a while I eat some fries or something just not everyday I don't like getting fat and getting pimples.

After dinner I changed into my pyjamas and went to bed.

*the next day*


K: "ughh "I groaned

I check the time it was 1:00pm. OMG 30 more minutes until Jake is here!

I stumbled towards the bathroom to take a shower.

While I was cleaning my hair all the thoughts ran through my head again.

'Cut cut cut cut'

'Do it do it do it'

'Just cut already!'

Tears started streaming down my face.

I picked up my razor and started opening my flesh.








'Never good enough'


'Die bitch die!'

'Attention whore' the thoughts kept running through my mind every time I ran the razor against my skin.

*a few minutes later*

I finished my shower and blew dry my hair.

Once my hair was completely dry I through on a meow riot tee, black leggings, red TOMS.
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I grabbed my floral backpack put my MacBook inside and stuffed a sweater in there too just in case it gets cold on the plane. I slipped my phone and earbuds inside as well with the plane tickets and the $100,000,000


Jake's here! I grabbed my suit cases, back pack and was out the door.

Before I left the house I left a note to my dad.

Dear Dad,

I left because I wanted something new! Don't blame yourself because I left it's for the best. I love you so much no matter what you've done to me. I will email you every now and then but do me a huge favour and clean up your act. I would appreciate that a lot. This is a goodbye for now I will see you very soon.
I love you lots!


I entered the car and sat in the back seat beside Jake with his parents in the front.

K: "hey mr and mrs bell thank you for driving us to the airport!"

Mrs. Bell: "no problem sweetie how's your dad?"

K: "same old same old. He doesn't know I left so I just left him a note."

Mrs. Bell: "you are a very strong girl Kelsey"

I smiled.

J: "Kelsey?"

K: "yeah?"

J: "WE'RE GOING TO ENGLAND!!"he yelled.

We started doing a retarted happy dance.

Mr. Bell: "you 2 sure are something"he chuckled.

I laughed and turned my head facing the window watching the trees and houses pass by.

*at the airport*

S: "flight for Manchester is now boarding!"she announced

Mrs. Bell: "have fun you 2 and don't get into to much trouble"she had a ready eye

J: "yes mum"he hugged her

I hugged her as well.

Mrs. Bell: "stay strong"she whispered into my ear

Mr. Bell: "call us when you land!"he hugged us one by one

K: "bye!"

J: "bye!"we waved

We took our seats on the airplane.

K: "I'm tired"I yawned

J: "me too. Lets take a nap?"he suggested

I nodded. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and he placed his head on top of mine.

Soon we both had fallen asleep.



I know this is a boring chapter but that's how it goes LOL but seriously I'm sorry it's not as exciting but just wait for the next chapter!


Thank you!xox

P.S this chapter is just to say Merry Christmas!

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