Chapter 43

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*Kelsey's POV*

...: "Awww they look so cute"a familiar voice said.

....: "quick, someone take a picture before they wake up!"another familiar voice said.


Is what I heard before I heard giggling.

Then, I started to wake up.

K: "hmmm?"

I opened my eyes to see Calum and Luke with Calum's phone out.

K: "what are you doing?"I yawned as I lifted up my head from Ashton's chest.

L: "that's for us to know and you to find out" he winked and mysteriously walked back to his seat.

C: "by the way we are landing in 30 minutes"he grinned and walked away.

I shrugged and took out my phone logging onto twitter.

Once I logged on I noticed I was tagged in a photo by the one and only Calum Thomas Hood in my mentions. I viewed the photo, it was a picture of me all cuddled into Ashton with his muscular arm around my waist and my head on his chest sleeping! The caption said.

@Calum5SOS: awww look at the cute lovebirds all cuddled up! @Ashton5SOS @Kelsey_Daniels

I noticed some tweets saying 'I ship it' or 'awwww they look so cute together!' I didn't bother reading the hate but I noticed a lot of questions asking if me and Ashton were or are dating.

@Kelsey_Daniels: just to clear up things before rumours start spreading, me and @Ashton5SOS are NOT dating! We are just friends :)xox

And with that I logged out of twitter and logged into Instagram.

I scrolled through some photos liking them, and followed some of my fan accounts.

Then I got bored so I logged out and plugged my earbuds in playing Break Your Little Heart by All Time Low. It's one of my many favourites by them, I also fancy Somewhere in Neverland and Therapy.

I got lost into the music and started softly humming to the lyrics. It really put me into a jumpy mood, like I wanted to get up from this seat and rock out around the plane like a maniac. But I chose not to because I didn't want to disturb anyone, although it would be kind of funny.

By the time the song was done the flight attendant spoke up into the speaker.

S: "attention we will be landing in 5 minutes, please turn off your devices and put your seat belts on"

I did as told paused the playlist wrapping my earbuds around my phone placing it inside the front pocket of my backpack zipping it up. I buckled my seatbelt and decided to wake up Ashton who's head was on my shoulder sound asleep. I didn't want to wake him up, he looked adorable with his eyes shut and his lips partly opened as soft snores came out of it.

K: "Ashy, wake up"I cooed to him.

A: "hmmm?"he asked half asleep slowly opening his gorgeous Hazel eyes.

K: "wake up and put your seat belt on we're landing soon"

He nodded and did as told.

K: "is your phone off?"

A: "yeah"he replied in his sexy morning voice, oh my his voice is just ughh, it sounded so deep and raspy, it turns me on.

I nodded grinning which he returned.

S: "passengers we are now landing"she informed us.

A: "so how'd ya sleep?"

K: "pretty good actually, and yourself?"

A: "like a baby"he yawned stretching his arms, I can see his muscles flexing it's so hot. Okay I really need to stop.

K: "seemed like it"I chuckled.

A: "what do you mean?"he asked clearly confused.

K: "oh nothing, just your head was nuzzled into my shoulder and neck all cuddled up next to me"I giggled.

A: "oh really? Sorry"he blushed. Awwww.

K: "not a problem, I find it quite cute actually"I smiled.

He blushed hard. Awwwww he's so adorable!

K: "awww you're blushing!"

A: "shut up!"he whined hiding his face behind his hands.

K: "awwww is wittle Ashy embarrassed?"I teased in a baby voice pinching his cheeks.

A: "no"he pouted.

I started laughing.

A: "stop it's not funny"he whined.

K: "I'm sorry"I apologize once I calm down.

He looked away from he ignoring me.

K: "awww I'm sowwy Ashy"I gave him my famous puppy dog face.

A: "no not the puppy dog face"he groaned.

I started whimpering like a little doggy.

A: "okay, I forgive you"he sighed.

A big smile appeared on my face and I hugged him tightly almost crushing him to death.

A: "okay that's enough, you're going to kill me soon"he laughed.

S: "we have now landed in Chicago, you may now exit the plane, thank you for flying with us"

We unbuckled our seats grabbing our backpacks walking out of the plane.

Adam: "alright let's go get our luggage before we get to the hotel, so stick together so we don't get lost into the crowd"

We nodded and linked our arms together so we don't lose one another.


Once we got our bags we drove to our hotel.

Again we all had to share a room with the same bed buddies. Cake, Mashton and Kelsey! That's right I'm my own bed buddy!

It was around 3am and considering jet leg's a bitch and I'm not used to the time zones I'm still pretty much awake.

The boys went downstairs to get some food while I stayed back because of how lazy I am. So, I decided to write a new song. I took out my secret song book from my backpack and poured out my feelings that I've locked up inside me since I developed bruises and scars from 'you know who'.

I was almost done with my song all I had to do was do the bridge and the end of the song. Suddenly, the boys came in so I quickly hid my book in my backpack setting it on my bed next to my body.

M: "SPECIAL DELIVERY!"Michael screamed very loud that the neighbours up on our floor could hear maybe even the whole building too.

K: "shut up Clifford before you wake up all of Chicago"I whisper yelled.

M: "do you want your food or not?"

K: "I love you so much Mikey thank you for the amazing food, I feel so blessed"

The boys laughed.

M: "oh you're so welcome Ms. Daniels"he said in a posh voice bowing like a gentleman. Which cause me to giggle.


After we ate the food we watch a movie and decided it was time to hit the sheets. So we brushed our teeth changed into our pyjamas and feel asleep.



Heheh I'm back :)

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