Chapter 30 "Oh No"

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Here's the next chapter as promised ;)

*Kelsey's POV*

It said:

To: Kelsey

Paris aye?

From: Dad

My eyes grew wide in shock 'Paris aye?' Repeated in my head he knows where I am.

A: "are you alright Kelsey?"

M: "yeah you look really pale"they said in concern as all the boys look at me

I snapped out of my thoughts.

K: "what? Yeah I'm fine just tired"I laughed nervously

L: "you sure?"

I nodded.

I went on YouTube and started watching Our2ndLife videos I swear they are hilarious and adorable my favourite is Kian because he is so damn hot!

Then I got a group text from Calum and Luke.

To: Kels
From: the mighty Luke & Calum the sexy one

Tell us what's wrong later xxx

Then I texted back saying.

To: the mighty Luke &Calum the sexy one


After I got a text from Jake.

To: Kels
From: Jakey


I texted back say 'okay' and logged onto Skype I saw Jake online and called him.

K: "Jakey!"I cheered

The boys looked at me weird.

K: "I'm Skyping with Jake"

They nodded and went back to their phones.

J: "where are you?"

K: "at a hotel in Paris with the boys. What's up?"

J: "nothing much you?"

K: "same. How are you and Sabrina?"I winked

J: "great actually"

K: "so I can't wait to meet to meet her!"

J: "me too!"

K: "okay imma go now bye Jakey I love you!"I blew him a kiss

J: "I love you more babe!"he waved

We ended the call and went offline.

M: "Bye Jakey I love you!"he mocked me in a girly voice blowing a kiss

A: "I love you more babe!"he mimicked Jake as well

K: "ha ha very funny boys"

C: "umm Kelsey can me and Lucas talk to you for a bit?"

I nodded while the other 2 were confused.

We walked into the lounge and sat on the couch them facing me.

L: "what's wrong?"

K: "well I was on twitter then I got a email from my dad"I began

C: "what did it say?"

K: "it said 'Paris aye?' He found me and he's coming for me guys! I don't know what to do!"I panicked through sobbing

L: "it's okay Kels we will all be there for you"he said rubbing my back as I sobbed

K: "I'm scared guys something really bad will happen I know it"

C: "shhh it's okay nothing will happen"he cooed and hugged me

I finally calmed down after about 2 minutes.

K: "thank you"I smiled at them

C: "for what?"he asked confused

K: "for caring. I feel like I can trust you with all my heart"I kissed their cheeks

L: "and you can"he smiled kissing my forehead

C: "let's go back, yeah?"

We agreed and walked to the bedroom.

M: "everything alright?"

K: "yeah"I shrugged


The next chapter will be a lot more exciting dw😂

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Warrior (Ashton Irwin Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz