Chapter 39 "Back on Track"

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Okay so reason why I haven't updated in sooo long was because my iPad charger broke and all my chapters are written on their.

But I finally got a new charger so I'm back on track!

*Kelsey's POV*

It's been a week and a half since I've woken up. The boys and Cher stay or visit everyday. I'm really lucky that I have them.

I got bored so I logged onto twitter. My mentions were blown up with #StayStrongKelsey it really touched my heart and it was the number one trend.

@Kelsey_Daniels: thank you so much for the tweets and #StayStrongKelsey it means a lot! I love you all!!xox

After Luke walked in and sat beside me as I turned off my iPhone, setting it beside me.

L: "how ya feeling?"

K: "I've been better but not bad. You?"

L: "I feel ya"he sighed

K: "what's up?"

L: "just missing performing"he leaned back on the chair stretching his arms in the are, then swinging them back down.

K: "don't worry on a few more days and besides you get to rest your beautiful voice"I sung

L: "true but so do you"he laughed

K: "aww tanks"I said in a derp voice

We started laughing at my weirdness.

I sighed sadly.

L: "what wrong?"

K: "I just wanna get out of this hell hole!"I groaned

L: "Don't worry only 4 more days"

K: "more like 4 more years"I rolled my eyes laughing a little

Then it was a short silence til I broke it.

K: "so it's true"

L: "what's true?"he asked confused.

K: "Ashton actually gave his blood to me"

L: "yup"he popped the 'p'

K: "I thought he hated me or something"

L: "to be honest I thought so too. Shhh I didn't say anything"

K: "your secrets safe with me"I giggled

L: "I'm tired, are you tired?"he yawned leaning back on his chair stretching his arms out

K: "you betcha"

L: "let's sleep?"he suggested

K: "you should get back to the hotel"I said

L: "what about you?"

K: "I'll be fine. I just want you to be comfortable when yo sleep"I said sweetly

L: "awwww thanks but I'd rather stay with you"he hugged me lightly

K: "are you sure?"

L: "of course"

K: "I'll take the couch, you take the bed"

L: "I can't do that you're the patient that's injured"

K: "you will be too if you don't sleep on the bed"I fought back

L: "why don't we share the bed"

K: "fine with me"I moved aside to make some room and patted the space next to me.

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