Chapter 15 "Twitcam Fun"

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Hey guys!

If you don't mind please follow one of my Instagram accounts!

It's: @canyoufeeltheloveeexx

Thank you! Now enjoy the chapter!



*Kelsey's POV*

Today I our day off so I decided to do my surprise for my fans.

@Kelsey_Daniels: I will announce the surprise in an hour or so!xox

I decided to just stay in my pyjamas for now and change later.

I hopped down stairs and ate a cheese toastie.

After breakfast I changed into a American flag top, black ripped skinnies and my white low cut converse.
( )

I straightened my hair and applied some mascara and eyeliner.

I grabbed my phone and tweeted.

@Kelsey_Daniels: the surprise is..a twitcam with some special guests!

Then the boys and Cher came in.

K: "hey guys! Can you be my special guests for my twitcam?"I begged

Cher: "sure"

Liam: "fine by us"

K: "yay!!"

We started setting up the twitcam on my laptop.

When we finished I tweeted.

@Kelsey_Daniels: get ready! We will be there in 2 minutes! (Link)

After 2 minutes the twitcam started.

K: "ello!"I waved

K: "are you ready for our special guest!"

K: "get ready for..One Direction and Cher Lloyd!"I announced

H: "ello!"he waved

Z: "ask us some questions!"

Cher: "@.. Says how are you guys?"

K: "good"

Louis: "great thank you"

Cher: "so we all made it to the finals but Matt is visiting his family for the day"

K: "I like things"

Liam: "that was weird"

K: "don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful"I sung

They laughed.

K: "who else knows that song?"I asked

Some people said yes and others said no.

N: "@.. Says Kelsey can you do some gymnastics for us?"

K: "if you want"

Cher: "I wanna see this"

We brought my laptop outside at the back.

K: "what should I do?"

H: "do that standing back flip thing"

K: "you mean a back hand spring?"

H: "yeah that"

I got myself ready and did it.

Louis: "that was so cool!! Can you do the splits?"

I nodded and did a front split.

Cher: "that's awesome!!"she squealed

Liam: "it's looks like a beautiful day today. Why don't we just stay out here?"

Z: "good idea Liam"he patted his back

Cher: "what should we do?"

K: "let's do impressions of each other!"

Liam: "I'll be Zayn, Zayn will be Harry, Harry will be Kelsey, Kelsey will be me, Louis will be Cher and Niall and Niall will be Louis"

K: "okay starting with Liam go!"

Liam: "VAS HAPPENIN?!?"he cheered

Z: "ello I'm Harry"he said in a REALLY slow deep voice

H: "look at me I'm Kelsey and I can do cartwheels!"he said in his best girly voice attempting to do a cart wheel

K: "ello my names Liam and I like the colour purple"

Louis: "ello I'm Cher and I tend to get really mad easily"

Cher: "I don't get mad easily!"she yelled

We all looked at her.

Cher: "okay maybe I do"

Cher: "I'm Niall and I love to eat and sleep!"

N: "my names Louis and I'm a song!"he yelled

The twitcam went for about 2 more hours until we got tired.

By then it was 2:00pm.

Then I heard my stomach grumble.

K: "I'm going for some Starbucks!"

H: "oo can I come?"he pouted

K: "sure"

We grabbed some money and our phones and headed to the closes Starbucks.

Waitress: "2 caramel fraps for Harry and Kelsey!"she announced

We got up and got our drinks.

H: "so Zayn told us about the break up"

K: "yeah we thought it was for the best so now we're the best of friends!"

H: "I thought I was your best friend"

K: "and you are. Both of you are and Jake is my brother"

H: "YAY!"he cheered with his deep voice

K: "when you get older I bet your voice will get REALLY deep"

H: "probably not"

K: "I think so Hazza"

K: "it'll be so deep that you will scare people"

H: "shut up."

K: "I love you too"I sung

We laughed and walked back home.


I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment feedback!

Also don't forget to follow me on Instagram @canyoufeeltheloveeexx



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