Chapter 14 "Breakups and Blades"

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I thought I'd give you guys a free chapter because I love you guys!


Enjoy and please read the authors note, it's important!



*a few weeks later*

*Kelsey's POV*

Today is Week 5 and me and Zayn have been together for about 4 weeks. But I've noticed every time we kissed I didn't feel anything, I have to talk to him about that later.

This week is Halloween week and I'm going to be singing ET by Katy Perry.

I just got out of sound check and now I'm on my laptop.

'Maybe I should email my dad' I thought to myself

I haven't sent him any emails lately so I did.

Dear Dad,

Been a while since I've seen you huh? Well I hope your doing good because I am but I do miss you. I wish you the best in life and I love you!


I hit send.

I decided to call Jake.

*during phone call*

J: "hello?"

K: "hey Jake"

J: "hiya Kels how's it goin?"

K: "good you?"

J: "great! I have a date with Sabrina tonight"

K: "OMG! I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to meet her one day"

J: "same! Well I gotta go get ready. It was nice talking to ya! Love you"

K: "I love you too bye!"

I hung up.

The show is in about an hour and a half so I decided to go on twitter since nobody was home so I had the house to myself.

@Kelsey_Daniels: I'm bored -_-

Then I started looking at my mentions.

Most of them were nice tweets but there were still really mean tweets such as.

@...: stop being such an attention whore! @Kelsey_Daniels

@...: do you realize how ugly and fat you are? @Kelsey_Daniels

@..: you are just a waste space go kill yourself! @Kelsey_Daniels

I ran to the bathroom looking for what I needed most.

My razor.

I slid to the ground tears brimming in my eyes.

I glided the blade across my flesh while the words ran through my mind.


'Attention whore'



'Never good enough'





I finally stopped after I had no room on my wrist.

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