Chapter 40 "Catching Feelings"

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*Ashton's POV*

Okay so here's the deal I really like Kelsey okay? I might even love her too. The way she said 'Ash' made me melt, do guys do that? Whatever but I did. Oh my god she is so beautiful. She looks very fit in sweats and her lips are so soft I just want to kiss her so bad it hurts. To bad she would never like a guy like me after all I've done.

Should I tell the boys?

Maybe I should.

I will.

*later that night*

I'm in the hotel room with the boys and Kelsey went out with the other boys, Cher and Aunt Maddie.

A: "guys I have something to confess"I said seriously

M: "you're gay"he joked

A: "no you doofus"I laughed

C: "go on"

A: "IhaveahugecrushonKelsey"I blurted out

L: "woah woah woah slow down"

A: "I have a huge crush on Kelsey"I repeated

Their eyes widen.

C: "ASHY'S GOT A CRUSH ON KELS!!"he squealed

A: "shhhh don't tell the world"I hushed him

L: "oh my gash you're in love"

A: "shut uup"I whined hiding my face behind a pillow

M: "so what are you gonna do? Tell her?"

A: "I wish it was that easy but I can't"

M: "why not?"

A: "after all I've done she probably still hates me!"I groaned

C: "I doubt that she hates you but she probably won't forget"

A: "any advice?"

L: "just get her to know that you're good now and get to know her"he suggested

C: "yeah Ash, baby steps"

A: "I guess that's a good idea"

A: "but how do I get her to trust me?"

L: "okay don't think about that right now just get to know her first before you do anything"

C: "once you get to know each other hang out, be friends"

M: "then when you guys are friends tell her a secret maybe?"they suggested

A: "good ideas thanks mates"we all did a bro hug I checked the time it said 6:30.

I then got a text from Kelsey.

To: Ashton
From: Kelsey<3

I'll be at the hotel by 10:00pm :)

To: Kelsey
From: Ashton

Okay have fun!xx
Okay yes I did give her name a heart and sent her TWO kisses but what can I say? I really like her. She even texted me letting me know the details! I feel so damn good. I hope this will help me get her.

M: "I wonder where Kels is she should be home soon"

A: "she said she'll be back by 10:00"

C: "how do you know lover boy?"he raised an eyebrow

A: "she texted me"I blush looking down at my socks

L: "oooo Ashy"

A: "shut up. I'm hungry"

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