Chapter Sixty Two-You Said Make Me

Start from the beginning

I looked down at my legs, moving them forward and backwards in the pool. The water was nearly up to knees even as I sat on the edge.

"Are you actually getting in the pool or just sitting there?" Dad asked curtly. I shrugged as he walked over to the pool putting a hand on my shoulder and sitting next to me. "Sweetie I know you're pissed at me 'cause I can't go to your concert."

"I get it..." I muttered. "Management's a load of fuc-fudge..."

I hated knowing that dad wasn't coming to my concert. The first time I actually convinced my dad to come to one of my concerts and then stupid management comes and ruins it... But I guess by now I should be used to it...

"I'd come if I could darlin'." Dad replied.

"Dad..." I mumbled. There was only one thing I really wanted to ask him-one thing I'd been dying to ask him ever since I got the part in Chicago.


"Are..." I paused, taking in a deep breath. "Are you proud of me...?"

"Of course I'm proud you."

"How come you didn't say that when I told you...?"

"Hard to explain love..."

I decided just to leave it at that. It was better than saying some cocky reply which would end up in some argument.

"Are you going to get in the water or not?" Dad asked snapping me from my thoughts. "I swear you've been sitting on the edge for an hour just staring at the water. If you're not using the pool just come inside."

I looked to my wrists. "I haven't swam in a while..."

"Show me your wrists..."

I held out my wrists, they hadn't changed in months. The scars we there but no new ones had been added. Usually I drew on the scars in pen so you can't see them that much. But no one ever took notice really.

"Two months clean." I said, a grin twitching on the corner of my lips.

"Told you therapy would work."

"You actually therapy didn't something other than make it worse?"

Dad scoffed. "How did it make it worse?"

"Try being stuck with Anita for an hour two days a week straight after each other..." I muttered resting my wrists in my lap.

"I'll pass. Now get in the pool, I actually want to see you use it before you go inside."

"Make me."

The next thing I knew I was in the pool, the cold water covering me. Why would I ever say make me?

I grabbed on to the edge of the pool hulling myself up and gasping for air.

"What the hell?" I snapped.

Dad smirked at me. "You said make me."

"...Dammit!" I hissed. I continued rummaging through the draw in the bathroom, cursing every ten seconds. I groaned as I came to the bottom of the draw.

What's the point in having a secret supply of makeup if you can't remember where you hide it?

I pulled open the next draw, going through all the face wash and other crap.

"Ugh! Where the fudge is it?" I exclaimed coming to yet again an empty bottom of the draw. By now my floor was covered in pretty much nearly all of the stuff in my bathroom. Everything I pulled out that wasn't my makeup I ended throwing over shoulder.

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