Chapter 65: Alien

Start from the beginning

"Why not?" I gently ask her.

"I'm from eleven and I'm twelve years old. I can only use a slingshot and the only other thing I know is how to track and plants."

"I don't want you for your skills. I knew Rue, for a short amout of time anyway. It was horrible how she was killed. I just want to make sure it doesn't happen to you."

"Really?" she asks, trying to see if I'm lying.

"Yes, why would I say that about Rue if I was lying? I don't want to see your family have another heartbreak."

"Promise?" she mumbles.

I stick out my pinky on my right hand. "Pinky promise?"

She giggles slightly and entangles her pinky with mine.

"C'mon! I want you to meet the rest." I take her arm, trying not to hurt her and I lead her to the careers.

"Who's this?" Aloe asks sweetly.

"This is Faye-" I begin but Demi cuts in.

"AKA, target practice." she jeers. She lifts her trident in her left arm and charges at Faye. Faye screams.

I let her charge at Faye until she passes me. When she does, I grab the gold handle of her trident and force it backwards. She stumbles back so I take this opening.

I grab her arm and quickly twist it behind her back. I stamp down on her knee so she falls to the floor. I straddle her back and hold her face down with my hand.

I see the thirty year old woman from seven staring at me, I hiss at her and she quickly averts her eyes elsewhere.

"That enough Demi? Or do you want me to show you more of my stuff? Cause I can, you know!" I growl.

"Leave up Clove." Gloss sighs. I warily lift myself up off her.

"She's part of the pack." I inform them, standing next to her. I see all the game makes staring intently at what's going on. I lick my teeth.

"No, she's not. She's worthless and not worth the oxygen to say her name." Demi groans, while Olive helps her up.

"Demi..." Aloe moans, confusion flickering through her blue-purple eyes.

"If Faye goes, then so do I." I challenge. "Make your choice."

I can feel Faye shake alongside of me.

"Good riddens!" Demi spits.

"Fine! C'mon Faye." I say as I begin to walk to the knife station.

"Clove, wait!" Gloss calls and I smirk before I turn around.

"What? I'm not needed here, good luck in the arena!" I laugh as I begin to walk away again.

"We do need you!" Aloe and Gloss say simultaneously.

"What? No we don't!" Demi screams. I pick up her trident and throw it to her, she swiftly catches it.

"Are you a knife thrower Demi? Honestly?" Gloss snaps at her."We need a knife thrower,  desperately! It's one of the quickest and most dangerous weapons out there. It's silent like a bow and arrow and you dont need to run with it."

"You don't need to run with a trident or spear".

"Yes, you do to build momentum. Or else you need to be close to the victim. How far can you throw?"

"Hundred feet, easily." I reply.

"On target?"

"Sure." I groan at this pointless conversation. "Look, fuck this shit, okay? I'm done! If ye don't want me then fine, I don't need any of you."

Our Burning Love-A Clato Love/Survival Story <3Where stories live. Discover now