Brian:"Ahh shit I'm cumming!" He said releasing himself.

Christina:"I needed that badly." She said breathing heavily.

Brian:"Me to thats why I came over here."

Christina:"Good thing Brian Jr is over my cousins house."

Brian:"Yeah um I have to tell you something."

Christina:"Okay what is it." She said wrapping her arms around him.

Brian:"I Love You."

Christina:"Brian I thought you came over here for a quick fuck not to tell me you love me."

Brian:"Well you clearly didn't want me to stop."

Christina:"Thats because I was caught in the moment!"

Brian:"Well you wasn't saying that a minute ago."

Christina:"Okay and."

Brian:"You know I'll leave so you can make up your damn mind." He said getting up and putting on his clothes.

Christina's Pov:I don't know what the fuck I was thinking one minute I wanted Nick to come back and next minute Brian is in my damn bed. After this whole thing went down I was looking around my room for a condom because I know he wouldn't have sex with me and not use one sense he knows I'm already with someone else but after a few minutes looking I couldn't find one so I just texted him and asked.

Baby Mama😍👶🏾❣️:"Brian did you use a damn condom please tell me you did 😒."

Brian Jr's Daddy👶🏾💦🔐:"No what I need to for my pull out game strong asf girl 🙄🤔."

Baby Mama😍👶🏾❣️:"I fucking hate you sometimes you know that 🖕🏾😑."

Brian Jr's Daddy👶🏾💦🔐:"Yeah I love you to😘🍆."

Christina's Pov:This is the dumb shit I be talking about sometimes he always fucking playing and trying to take me as a joke but if I'm pregnant again Ima beat his damn ass.

Brian's Pov:"I don't even know why she still want that nigga anyways she should just come right back to me like she always does but something is holding back and I'm going to find out especially if it involves my child and if she does get pregnant again I'll just take care of it like I'm doing the first one simple as that. I was on my way to Andre and Ashley's house because I haven't seen them in a while so I thought I would stop by.

Brian:"Andre you in there!" He said knocking.

Summer:"Oh god what are you doing here?" She said opening the door."

Brian:"Shut up and move out the damn way." He said brushing past her.

Summer:"Wow real mature of you." She said clapping.

Brian:"Whatever where is Andre and Ashley."

Summer:"Clearly they aren't here did you not see Andre's car gone."

Brian:"I really wasn't paying attention."

Summer:"Mm so what was your real reason for coming over here?" She said walking towards the kitchen.

Brian:"To come and see my friends and your not one of them so I guess I'll make my exit." He said walking towards the door.

Summer:"Wait can I ask you something."

Brian:"Yeah I guess."

Summer:"Have you been seeing anyone after our break up?"

Brian:"No why."

Summer:"I just wanted to know thats all."

Brian:"Um okay I guess bye." He said walking out the door.

Brian's Pov:"I don't why the fuck she asking me that shit she should be thinking about that damn baby instead of worrying about who I'm sleeping with I miss her a little bit but weren't meant to be so it's whatever. She'll probably try and sneak her way back into my arms but thats not happening because I'm done for real this time.

Hey everyone this is a short part but school is starting to get to me so I need some time to get back in my writing phase so bare with me on that one please. And what do you guys think about Christina and Brian? Leave Comments Below 😌😌.

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