Team V (IKON)

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Synopsis: After being dragged to a party Chanwoo wants to leave just as quickly as he arrived. But when he sees something that he shouldn't have, he is in for a whole lot of trouble.

Side note: Placed 3rd behind 'Let's Have Some Fun' in a Halloween Fanfic Contest out of 90 entries! Enjoy~


Help me.

That was the only thing I thought as I ran for my life - desperate to stay alive. If only I hadn't seen him...


"Woo! And we are here! The hottest Halloween party of the night!" My friend Bobby yelled as we walked through the door. There were what seemed like millions of people gathered in one tiny area getting drunk off of punch and bobbing for apples. I didn't really want to be here but I came for Bobby's sake as he was beyond excited when he was invited to this party. It's all he had ever wanted - to be popular. And so here we are at the craziest party out there tonight.

I was dressed up in my old Halloween costume as a more lowkey version of a pirate without the bandana and eye patch. More of a Jack Sparrow feel if you get what I am saying. Bobby of course went all out and he dressed up as a crazy zombie, with blood splattered on all sides of his face.

We started to head towards the middle of the room as people danced around us to the crazy electronic music in the background. I wasn't a big fan of parties but at least the beat wasn't horrible. However, when people started to bump into me, I was starting to get a little uncomfortable in such an enclosed place. I glanced over to see Bobby already dancing with a few other people. He then glanced over at me and our eyes met.

"Oh come on! Dance a little!" He yelled over the song, elbowing me in the arm to encourage me. I gave him a small smile, trying to show that I wasn't having a horrible time.

"I think I am just going to go hang out by the food!" I yelled to him, letting him know where I would be but he didn't hear me as he kept on dancing. I felt a little betrayed honestly. I came to this party for him but he was already off dancing and talking to others. I was thrown away as soon as we got in here. I sighed. I should have known this would happen, I thought.

Glancing back over to see if he was even looking over for me, I wasn't surprised when he was facing the other way, dancing with a few girls. I rolled my eyes and headed off the dance floor. I gladly went over to the refreshment table and hung out in the corner, wanting to disappear for the next few hours. I took a deep breath and leaned up against the wall, my arm brushing up against the frame.

I studied the room, watching people as they danced and came over to get drinks and food. I honestly don't think a lot of people noticed me as no one said anything about the weirdo standing in the corner. But then it didn't matter. I was never noticed anyways so this was perfect spot to hide away for someone like me.

My attention was then brought to a familiar face I saw. I moved up off the wall to get a better look when I confirmed that it was him. Feeling a sense of hope in this crazy party, I started to walk in his direction when I saw him walking away with a girl. They were laughing and holding hands as they went through the crowd and out the back door.

I had a strange feeling in my gut as I saw what happened. He didn't look like his usual self, I thought. But maybe I am over thinking things. I quickly shook it off, thinking that the loud music and obnoxious flashing lights we're getting to me. I continued to stare off into space looking at my phone every once in a while until I saw it happen again, only a half an hour later.

He brushed right by me, hitting my shoulder, but he was with a different girl than before. He gave her that same cheeky smile and when he lead her out the back door, I knew then that something wasn't right. Going against everything my body was telling me, I followed after, curious and worried about what my friend was doing.

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