Chapter 1:

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Georgia's P.O.V: 

"Georgia, Maddie, the school bus is here," yelled my mum from the bottom of the stairs.
We had just moved from Ohio to New York because of my Dad's new job.
New house, new state, new school. School, that's what I'm worried about.
I've never been one of those people who can arrive in a new place and instantly make friends, unlike my younger sister Maddie, who is the total opposite of me.

I have pale skin, dark hair, a shy personality, and my only nice feature is my emerald green eyes.
On the other hand, my sister Maddie has naturally tanned skin, blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a warm personality.
Sometimes I question if we're even related, as we couldn't be more different. She may be three years younger, but she looks and acts as if she's the older sister.

"Girls, the school bus is here. Come on, you're going to miss it," shouts my mum impatiently.

I quickly hurry down the stairs wearing black leggings, a Michael Jackson t-shirt, teal converse and a purple hoody.
I almost fall down the stairs as Maddie shoves past me in her floral summer dress. It hugged her tightly and complimented ever curve she has. Surely she would get dress coded wearing that?

We quickly ran out the door and onto the school bus.
I sat down near the front with an empty seat beside me.
Maddie sat a few rows behind me, with a bunch of girls who all had flawless features, just like Maddie.
I put my earphones in, to tune out the loud excited chatter of the girls, and quickly fell to sleep.

I woke by someone tugging at my sleeve. It was the bus driver waking me up to get off the bus, since we had arrived at the school.
I looked around to see if anyone else was still on the bus.
Unsurprisingly, no one was. "Wow, thanks for waking me up Maddie," I thought sarcastically, as I quickly got off the bus, and made my way to the school's office.

"Excuse me, I'm Georgia Hamilton, today's my first day. Could I have my timetable, please?" I say, smiling sweetly at the secretary who looked back with an expressionless face.
She handed me my timetable and I headed off to home room, following the numbers on each door in the corridor, until I found room 27.

The classroom was packed with boys and girls my age talking, and laughing loudly. I paused and surveyed the classroom. 
A few faces turned in my direction, and I suddenly became very overwhelmed.
I nervously gulped, trying to move my feet, but found that they were rooted to the floor.
Taking a deep breath, I focused on a chair and walked over to it, sitting down in the third row beside the classroom's only empty seat.
To amuse myself, I pulled out my notebook from my bag. 
It was my most prized possession. An entire world was created in it, with each page containing different things, like sketches, song lyrics, and poetry.
Flicking to the middle of the book, I continued writing my Zac Efron fan fiction story.

Maddie's P.O.V:

I wonder if Georgia made it into school?
Last I saw of her, she was leaning on the bus window asleep, drooling on her lap.
I would have woken her up, but it's embarrassing to see your older sister drooling all over herself, and I don't want the other girls to dislike me because of Georgia's weird sleeping habits.
The other girls hurried me along, saying I'd be late for class.

As I passed the bus driver, I asked her if she'd wake up my pathetic older sister from her snooze.
She gave me a reassuring smile and I hurried along to class with my new friends.

One of the girls Natalie, started talking about how her Dad bought her VIP Beyoncé concert tickets for her birthday.
I exaggeratingly say "Wow," pretending I care, even though I don't.
One of the other girls, Kara, talks about makeup tips her older sister taught her to do; that I actually do care about.
I wish Georgia could teach me cool stuff like that, but she's so quiet and kept to herself, it's hard to get a word out of her. 

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