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The Bieber-McCann family stood as they looked at the freshly buried dirt. A head stone engraved with bold letters.

It was a cloudy day, the clouds covering the sun making the day darker and sadder.

Tears fell down the families' cheeks. One of them shaking their heads, the eldest child. Jake

It was all his fault. Why didn't he just listen? He's gone.

His father noticed and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"It's okay baby, it's not your fault. He's in a better place now," He whispered as Jake leaned into his side.

"No, it is," He cried. He was gone because of him.

"Baby, Zeus is in a better place, he's not in pain anymore," His father said.

"Can.. can I have some time alone?" He asked.

"Of course, babe,"

"Come on kiddos, let's go," His father said gathering the family.

"Do you wreckon he'll be alright?" The father asked.

"Of course, he will sweetheart, he'll bounce back though I knowing Jake, it will just take a little bit longer, I mean it was his best friend,"

"Yeah, you're right, Jase,"

"I'm always right, Jay," Jason smirked.

They turned around and looked at their son as he took a seat on the ground.

"Daddy, Jakey awight?" A small voice asked, someone tugging on Justin's pants.

They looked down. "Jacky baby, of course he'll be alright but if you give him one of your cuddles, he'll be more than alright,"

The little boys' eyes widened. "Rwealy?"

The father nodded. "Look, he's coming, why don't you try it?" He asked setting the boy down.

The three year old nodded and smiled, showing the gaps of his missing teeth.

"Jakey!! I make you awight!!" He shouted before running over to his brother.

Jake picked him up and smiled. "Aww, I feel better already," He said making the young boy grin and hug him tighter.

The family made their way to the car as Jake trailed behind. He looked one last time before smiling. The sun was now shining over the burial.

He'll be alright..

"Daddy? We get ice-cweam?" The youngest one asked in his car seat.

"Why should we get ice-cream baby?" Justin asked smiling. He already was going to say yes.

"Becawse ice-cweam makes me feel better, so it make everywon better," He lisped.

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