Chapter 2

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4th January, 2024 - Calabasas, Los Angeles


"Juju wake up." I heard. Feeling weight beside me I figured it was someone older as they called me 'juju' and not my daughter Jade calling me daddy. They tapped my cheek softly. "C'mon Jay. Wake up." They said. Stirring, I peaked one eye, to get a blurry vision. My eyes finally set to the lighting to see who it was.

"Morning Jay." She smiled. "Hey. Morning." I greeted sitting up. "Where's Jade?" I asked. "She's downstairs with mum and Jax." She said. "I can't believe you're moving countries!" She gasped. I laughed. "I know!" I said, hugging her. "I figured Jade is starting school soon. I don't want paps chasing us or her while we're going to school or where she'll need a bodyguard..." I paused. She nodded. "I know, there'll still people paparazzi there but yeah." I added.

"Of course!" She agreed. "I'm going to miss you." She smiled sadly. "I'll miss you too! But know that I'll always be there and you can alway come visit." I said. "I know, I mean it's Australia, I've always wanted to go there!" She said. "Haha I know Jaz, since you were little. I remember you begging mum if you could come with me on tour there." I laughed remember the scene. She laughed too. "Haha yeah! She never did say yes."

"But really I'll miss you and Jade." She said. "We will too! Remember I love you and you can always visit." I stated. "Aight so I'm going to get ready." I said, getting of bed amid heading towards the attached bathroom. "Okay I'm going downstairs." I nodded and shut the door and turning on the shower.

After showering and did my usual routine in the bathroom, I got dressed in casual, comfortable clothes. That consisted of a Miami Heat Jersey and a pair of Nike basketball shorts.

I walked downstairs to hear chatter in the kitchen. I guess they were eating. I walked in to see mum cooking and Jaxon sitting at the booth on his phone, smiling. Girlfriend maybe? Jazzy was talking to mum sitting on the other side of the island. Jade was getting tickled by Jasmine's boyfriend, Liam.

Jade noticed me and smiled. "Daddy! Help!" She squealed laughing. I smiled and walked over to her. "Hey! I got ya!" I said talking her out of Liam's arms and into mine. I nodded at him.

"Morning babygirl! How was your sleep?" I asked adjusting her on my hip. She smiled. "It was good!" She said happily. "Oh daddy! Look what Aunt Jazzy and Uncle Liam got me." She said, requesting to be put down on their floor. I say her down and she ran out of the room. I looked at Liam who is now sitting with Jazzy. They both smiled.

"Morning mum." I said, greeting her. "Good morning Hun." She smiled, putting the last pancake on the plate. Jade came running into me with an envelope. "Look!" She said excitedly. "Okay, okay. I will." I said grabbing the envelope and opening it. I pulled out two tickets to the colour run, that is set in Australia. "How wonderful! Babygirl, you finally get to go in the run. I knowing how you love running. Did you say thank you?" I asked glancing the couple teenage couple on the stools.

Jade nodded. "Yep!" "Alright babygirl, I'll put these away so it doesn't get lost when we're moving tomorrow." I stated, she nodded and smiled. "Alright everyone lets eat." Mum announced. We nodded, said Grace and began eating the most important meal of the day.

It was 7:00pm and everyone was laughing and playing outside. We had a family day before Jade and I leave. I'll honestly miss it. Right now I'm sitting on the deck chairs beside the pool with Jaxon. "So haven't put that phone away all day." I stated, hinting know who it was. "Uh yeah.." He said locking his phone beside him.

"So who's the girl?" I asked. He blushed. "No one." He said. "Yeah your blushing says different." I teased, laughing. "Uh it's this girl. We've been talking for a few months. She just moved here." He said. "Yeah." I said, getting him to continue. "Yeah, she's really pretty, smart and she's just amazing..... I really like her." He gushed. Like a love sick puppy. I smiled.

"She's sounds nice." I commented. He nodded. Nothing else was needed to be said. 7:30pm and I'm still sitting in the same spot with another drink but my mum was beside me. "So honey... How are you?" She asked. "I'm fine mum." I smiled. "No you're not. You're missing him. Missing both of them." She said, like always mother knows best.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked. She nodded. "Didn't you say they moved to Australia?" She asked. This time I nodded. "Yeah." "Maybe you'll bump into them." She said, slight hope in her voice. "I doubt it." I said looking down.

"It's just that when I was packing away the frames the other day. I came across one where we were all in it. All four of us. And I thought what if things didn't happen that way, would we still be together." I said, small tears escaping my eyes.


880 words! -not edited-

'What do you mean' is perfection, Justin is slaying the world.

The video teaser is omg😍👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽

Bae is back! I can't wait for other things he has.



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