Chapter 46

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Okay so this was meant to be more dramatic/ detailed but the laptop bloody froze and didn't save it...😒

I'll make it better when I edit it!

16th September, 2036 - Sydney, Australia


2036 is a big year for the Bieber-McCann Children. So far it's been busy.

First, the twin boys Jordan and Julian start primary school. Of course, with Julian being blind, he needed abit more assistance and brother beside him.

Secondly, the eldest twins graduate high school. Which is actually today.

Yes, the eldest children of the Bieber-McCann have finally made it.

Justin and Jason are super proud of them and couldn't be happier, like any parent would be.

They can remember the twins just starting kindergarten like it was yesterday.

They have watched the two persevere through high-school and make it to the end. They've come a long way.

Yet they still have HSC to complete but nonetheless, they made it.

Graduation Day is finally here for them.

But let's not forget about Judah. The twelve year old graduates primary school in December. He's stoked to be going to high-school next year.


"Jake! Jade! Are you guys ready?! You can't be late for the ceremony presentation!" Justin yelled from downstairs.

He shook his head as he heard two faint replies.

Soon two figures came from the east wing.

There stood his two eldest dressed formal attires.

Jake in his freshly ironed black suit and Jade in her elegant creamy coloured dress.

"Wow guys! Very fancy," He smiled, bowing forward.

The twins laughed and walked down the rest of the stairs.

"Well look at my two eldest babies!" Jason said walking up behind Justin and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"They're beautiful," He smiled in adoration of his children.

"They are, I can believe they've grown up so quick," Justin pouted.

"We can hear you," Jake interrupted.

"Good, take the hint," Jason said.

"What hint?" Jake asked confused.

"You're so dense Jay," Jade chuckled.

"They don't want us to leave," She whispered but the room was so quiet she was heard.

"Oh," Jake said.

"But i may be leaving but I'll still bum here," He said seriously, looking to his fathers for their approval.

"Jake! You won't be bumming here or anywhere for that matter, you'll always have a home here," Justin said.

Jake smiled at his father. "Yeah, I know,"

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