Chapter 49

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Sorry this is extremely short!
~ Please read end notes ~

13th May 2038 - Sydney, Australia


It's all been leading up. Up to this moment where everything bursts at the seems and everything fell out.


Justin sighed as his eldest son huffed childishly crossing his arms across his chest, glaring at his father.

"You never let me do anything," Jake stated.

"Jake, please just stop. I'm not in the mood," Justin said.

He's been on edge for the past week since the baby was supposed to be born 5 days ago.

Trying to be stress-free, Jake is not helping it one bit.

"Jake, leave your father alone, just stop this," Jason said sternly walking back into the kitchen.

Jake turned around and glared. "So, what? You're backing him up too?"

"Yes because he's right," Jason answered.

Jake groaned, "I thought we had a pact."

His father was going against him. Unbelievable.

"We're just trying to keep you safe," Justin said.

All of a sudden, Jake exploded.

"Safe?! Trying to keep me safe?! Why now, huh? Where were you when I was younger?!! Only pops kept me safe! Where were you? Oh on the other side of the fucking world! You were never there so why are you here now?!!" He screamed shocking both of his fathers.

Their eyes widening at their son's outburst.

"You know what? I'm going anyways," He said before grabbing his keys and walking out the door.

He got in his car and started it.

"Babe, just let him go," Jason said, as Justin put the spatula down and went to walk out.

"No, I need to talk to him," Justin said shaking his head, tears in his eyes.

Before Jason could stop him, he was already out the door.

The sound of Jake's tyres screeching against the road before everything seemed to stop moving. and go slow motion for Jason.


Jake looked into the rear-view before slamming the breaks and getting out.


Everything happened so fast as Justin's body was thrown back with full force.

"JUSTIN! BABY! PLEASE TALK TO ME!! PLEASE BABY!!" Jason cried as he got to his lover's body.

"Darling please," He sobbed tears hitting Justin's bloody face.

Justin laid and his eyes opened slightly hearing Jason's pleas and cries.

All he could see was the dark cloudy sky and Jason's distressed face.

He felt it rain on his face though it was hot water.

It wasn't raining but it was Jason's tears.

"Please, please don't separate our destinies," Jason whispered..


"I'm sorry," He said sending them a sympathetic face.


413 words! - not edited -


It's not as sad and eventful as I wanted it..🙄

But I hope it's caught your attention and I've made you feel some sort of connection.

I realise not many people are still reading this so I decided to wrap it up really quick..😞😞

I was going to ask for help but seeing as not many people aren't reading anymore, I wouldn't get any responses.

But I'm really sorry! I just feel like you don't like the story anymore...

- Samantha

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