Chapter 48

481 30 5

24th January 2038 - Burbank, California


"Now, I would like to introduce a family who is one of my good friends but also has loving fathers and amazing children," Ellen said as she started introducing us.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" I asked as Justin blew out laboured breath.

He looked and nodded, "Yeah but the bub's a bit active today, playing a soccer game with my organs."

I frowned as he still smiled through the pain. I don't know how he's done this three other times.

I leaned downed and lifted his shirt up, placing my hand on the side and whispered, "Hey baby, I know you're having fun but can you please stop? You're hurting daddy."

Soon I felt a kicked to my palm and Justin sighed.

"Thank you," He smiled looking down at me.

"You're welcome, love," I smiled kissing his bump before standing up and placing a kiss to his lips.

He smiled into the kiss. "I love you,"

"I love you," I said before kissing his forehead.

"Please welcome, The beautiful Bieber-McCann family," Ellen announced. I could hear the excited screams and cheers.

"Be good, kids," I said to them earning nods as the door opened.

The kids walked into of us as I stood behind with Justin, my arm wrapped around his lower back.

"Tell me if anything happens," I whispered in his ear before smiling to the happy crowd.

"Yeah," He nodded.

"Hi, how are you?" Justin asked leaning over to hug her.

"Great, how are you? You're glowing," She complimented him, making a blush appear on his cheeks.

"Good good,"

"That's good, Jason how are you?" She asked me as I helped Justin sit on the white couch.

"Really great, everything's amazing thank you," I smiled while looking at each of my blessings sitting next to me.

"Good," She nodded.

"And kids, how are you guys? I haven't seen you in ages, I told you all not to be strangers when you come over," She said.

She got a chorus of 'good's' and 'great's'.

She nodded and sat back looking at us.

"Aren't they all beautiful?" She asked the crowd.

They cheered and screamed.

"Now first of all, I'd like to say you're announcement for the little one is very cute," She said looking back at the photo on the background.

It was a photo of Justin standing in front of the Christmas tree as the lights lit up and showed his bump.

It was a photo of Justin standing in front of the Christmas tree as the lights lit up and showed his bump

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