"Why can't I be the one to do it?" Joejoe asked heated at our plan. "Noah I know that's your aunt and everything but she is too sexy not to be on my team and I know for a fact she don't want Danny's lily white ass."

"It's simple Carly is obviously feeling Danny..... you may not have noticed but she couldn't help staring at him. Danny is the only one who can keep her occupied long enough for us to get outta here." I said.

"I mean I'll do it but I really feel like I should be there if y'all are going to fight them dudes..... I am the best fighter here I'm the only one who has beaten both you and Noah in boxing matches, why can't Mario stay I'm sure he could charm the panties off a nun and he can't fight remember when he got smacked with that lunch tray?" Danny asked quietly and I bit back a smart retort because I hated when he brought that up but I was really pissed about that lunch tray comment.

"Let the record show that you beat me by decision, you knocked Saint out." Noah said smirking.

"I had the flu during that fight..... but that doesn't matter look just follow my plan and everything will be good and watch what you say about Mario aight? What do you think Jose?" I asked because he was being too quiet.

"Jade is going to kill me if she finds out that I took y'all to fight, she knows how Noah is and if anything were to happen to him she'd blame me." Jose said quietly.

"So what are you trying to bitch out?" I asked and Jose stood up quickly, I was by no means impressed nor scared of this dude so i stood up as well and looked in his eyes, I could tell we were probably going to end fighting but Carly walked in interrupting us.

"The pizza is here...." She said looking from me to Jose. We walked away from each other and to the main house everyone sat down while I went to get the Lollipop Guild...... (okay side note something about my little brother that drove me crazy on top of the fact that he refused to eat if his food touched each other he only like cheese pizza which in my humble opinion wasn't really pizza it was just glorified cheese bread.) "So what are y'all planning on doing all night?" Carly asked looking directly at Danny who turned bright red.

"I was thinking about playing a little pool down in the basement. Do you know how to play?" Danny asked nervously.

"No but I'm sure you could teach me........" Carly said and I couldn't help but think 'jackpot'. After we ate everyone went down to the basement for a couple minutes then one by one we all left leaving Carly and Danny down there alone, even though Noah was pissed it was necessary in order for us to get out of here undetected. Just as I expected my plan worked perfectly, by now Carly was calling to tell my dad but we were already in Jose's car driving to the place where these dudes were supposed to be at. We stopped now to far from the street where this party was supposed to be taking place to go over the plan one more time.

"That sounds almost flawless...... except you weren't counting on me were you?" Someone said standing outside the car...... hearing that voice was like jumping in a lake during the middle of winter. "You're dad figured you'd get past Carly which is why he had me watching.... I must say I was impressed how you got out of there, thankfully I knew where y'all were going; your boy Danny cracked as soon as I asked him." He said and I knew it was a wrap for this plan, one person I wouldn't fuck with was this short white dude with the smoke gray eyes, I really couldn't fault Danny for spilling the beans.

"So what now?" I asked. "Are you going to take us back to the house?" I asked avoiding the dudes eyes.

"That's up to y'all my only job was to follow y'all, what ya'll do afterwards is your decision....... but if I were I would make my decision quickly your dad is sending someone to pick y'all up as we speak." Smoke said looking at us.

"It's up to you Noah, it's your call." Jose said looking at Noah.

"Man let's just go back to the house, you already know my dad is going to cuss me out I rather not make it worse by going to beat these dudes ass...... don't worry we'll let them slide today." Noah said quietly, I looked at Noah and knew something was going on I wasn't going to press the matter in front of everyone. Once we got back to the house everyone went out back leaving me with Noah.

"What's the real reason you decided not to beat them dudes ass No'?" I asked ignoring the smug look on Carly's face.

"I don't want to give my dads any reason to send me back to live with my mom.........but trust me karma's a bitch and I can almost guarantee we'll catch those dudes but for now we'll chill and let our dads think we've decided to let it go in a couple weeks they'll forget about it we just have to play our roles. Now if you'll excuse me I gotta go call Jade." Noah said walking into my dad's office. I guess we were going to chill out but I was still determined to beat those dudes ass I just had to wait for the perfect moment......................

Homecoming Pt.4Where stories live. Discover now