Chapter 42

36 4 0

Day 316

Having a crush on someone is the most confusing thing, ever. They say something nice and you are on top of the world, they say something extremely rude and your heart breaks. So you either give up on them or cry. Giving up on a crush is also next to impossible. A single handed "hi" from them and your so "determination" of giving up and letting them go vanishes.

I don't know if I have a crush on Max. If I don't then I would not be able to explain what all happened this year and why do I feel like this.

"Why do you have to sit here." Max asks again.

My heart shrinks.

"It is my seat. I sit here everyday."

"Well don't. I don't want you anywhere near me. You are absolutely revolting." He says and shivers.

You heard that? That's my heart getting hurt again.

"Well too bad. I don't actually take orders from shanks like you." I say turning around and hear Mira snicker.

Way to break my heart Max.

If I do not have a crush on him then his opinion shouldn't matter to me.

So why am I so sad. I wish he actually would think before speaking. Words and hurt too. But then, I could wish all I want, it wouldn't change him.


"CINNA O Caesar,-- CAESAR Hence! wilt thou lift up Olympus?

DECIUS BRUTUS Great Caesar,--

CAESAR Doth not Brutus bootless kneel? CASCA Speak, hands for me!

[CASCA first, then the other Conspirators and BRUTUS stab CAESAR]......"

The door opens,"May I come in ma'am?"

Thanks Katie, now we'll all have to wait before Caesar gets stabbed.

English literature can be fun.

"Yes?" Our English teacher asks.

"I am sorry for interrupting, but I wanted Emmy's guitar. I can't take it without her permission."

Such an angel. I smile.

"Take it." Says a more masculine voice. Not mine at all. I turn around to see Max taking out my guitar.

"Excuse me? My guitar. My best friend. My permission. No one asked you, you bafoon." I say.

The class snickers.

"It's the same Emmy. What belongs to you belongs to me."

I raised my eyebrow.

"How so?" I ask.

And the class yells things like "because you like him." And I am not able to hear his reply.

I chuckle.

"I am sorry if you are under the delusion that just because I said I like you, you get some type of possession on my things. Yo do not own me, you don't own anything I own. Back off." I still this low so that he is the only one who could hear it.

Then I grab my guitar and give it to Katie.

She wiggles her eyebrows. I look around and see the teacher smiling too.

My heart hurts a little more. I hate when people objectify people.

But I smile and sit down. Feeling a slight stab of disappointment.

"CAESAR Et tu, Brute! Then fall, Caesar! [Dies]

CINNA Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead! Run hence, proclaim, cry it about the streets."


"She is desperate." Rachel's comments in a hushed voice.

"She thinks she is perfect." Emma says.

"She can't even play the guitar, why does she have it?" The third girl says.

"She keeps writing. What a boring nerd." Emma comments again.

I just walk with my head high. Not giving them any satisfaction.

They don't matter.


"Go away." I say putting a pillow on my head.

"Emmy, come on." Samuel says softly from the other side of the door of my room.

"No!" I say cuddling with the other pillow.

"I have food." He says.

That catches my attention.

"And I also have oreo shake."

I sit up.

"And ice cream?" I ask in a hopeful voice.

"Yup. A whole tub of it. I also have Harry Potter movies. We could have a movie marathon."

There is just little a girl could deny.

I come out of my pillow fort and slowly walk to the door and open it just a little to peek out.

Samuel gives me a small smile waving the food bad and the CD's.

I open the door enough to let him in.

"Soo.. Chamber of Secrets with Oreo shake and burger?"

"The first movie is philosopher's stone." I mumble.

He ruffles my messed up hair.

"I thought you didn't like Harry Potter." I say grabbing the ice cream tub from him.

"I don't. But you do."


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