Chapter 35 (Part 2)

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*At home*

"So I screamed it out.... it was like spur of moment. I couldn't have stopped."

"And what did he say?"

"He said sorry and that he already knew."

"That's it? You tell him how you feel and that's what he says? I don't get it. Repeat it word by word and go slow." Penny recommends.

With a long sigh I begin again.

"I went back to my class after the break was over. It was history period and I solemnly swear she is blind and deaf. Not literally but .... you get what I mean right?"

"Continue Emmy..."

"Yeah, right. So I sit on the class peacefully. Not wanting any more drama and Max decides to talk to Megan about me as he pretends like I am not sitting right next to him. Like am I a ghost? Is he blind? Can they both like sit for a moment and take a chill pill to realize that I am right there?"

"Emmy, I get it please continue." Penny almost whines

"Sorry, where was I again? Oh right. So he asks her what kind of dementor she is that she took all the happiness away and made me cry...."

"...wait he actually said that?"

"Nooo, I am over exagarating.... I like making Harry Potter references and she is no less than a dementor. Anyways I could have yelled EXPECTO PATRONUM. " I could feel Penny roll her eyes. "He just asked her what venomous words had she used to make me cry. Basillisk that one I am telling you."

"Emmy you make one more reference...."

"I am sorry, it's funny okay..."


"Yeah okay so she in her most innocent bitchy high pitched voice she says *mimicking the voice* "I didn't say anything, I just told her a fact." And I swear to god it sounded like nails on chalkboard. I wanted to shut my ears. They could bleed I swear it was worst than Voldemort."

"Emmy Woods I would make you you write I shall not speak refrences......" she warned.

"....That would make you Umbridge."

"EMMY!" Penny screeched.

"Alright, alright. Calm Down. Anyways so as I was saying then Max was like oh bitch you don't say anything to her. Don't poke your nose in our buisness without knowing our story."

I took a deep breath.

"And she said something like I just warned her off and that did it. All the anger in me surfaced. The last button was open, the volcano was now active. She was going down. So with I smacked my hand on the table and stood up and with all the courage inside I took out all the anger in me. Everything. I shouted at Megan and Rachel."

"And what exactly did you say?" Penny asks.

"Ummm, well I think it went something on the lines of "You don't get any right to tell me to not hurt your best friend. I have done nothing wrong. It's not my fault that she is a cry baby, unfortunately for her, I would not back off from a great friendship so she will have to suck it up and stop moving with a stick in her ass. I am sick of you Megan. I get it you don't like me but I swear to god if you try putting me down once more I'll make sure your life is a living hell. I do not say anything doesn't mean I am weak Rachel, I just have more brains than you to walk away from things that do not make me strong. If I hurt you, well I am sorry. I tried backing off didn't I? Honestly I don't know why am I so good to you all. I like him okay? I like you Max and quite miserably you can't do anything about it so suck it. Oh and Megan? You can't rule everything and everyone. So take your head out of your ass it's not a hat."

"Whoa okay and he just said sorry and I know?"


"So does he like you?"

"Well that is still not clear. After my great speech the history teacher realized something is wrong and she asked what is it so I told her that Rachel had a book which she thought was her. I had admired it so I took a look. She got possessive of something that didn't belong to her and tried to keep it. But the book belonged to Max so she had to return it as she had no right on it and then I started crying. Well not from sadness, from anger but I stopped myself and Rachel had a full blown crying. Ramona went to Rachel and Max came to me. We didn't talk. He just kept saying that I don't need to cry it's not my fault and that it's going to be alright."

"So much drama and it's still not clear?" Penny asks


"You know what Emmy, I will call and ask him and clear it out. You don't get to stop me because you know you would do the same."

"Penny no..."

But it was too late. She had already cut the call.

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