Chapter 21

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DAY 182

Today is Katie's birthday.

One thing I like about this school is that we can wear anything we want on our birthdays and Katie looks like an angel. No kidding.

She is wearing a simple red top with blue jeans I am drooling. My friend is hot.

The first thing I did this morning was running to hug up and then I picked her up, spun her around and kept her on the ground.

She is weightless for me.

What gifts I got for her?

Okay gift number one: Keychain.

A simple yet very beautiful keychain; It is a peacock with blue, green and white coloured stones.

Gift 2: Earrings.

Red and white earring, I find them pretty.

Gift 3: Chocolates.

Gift 4: A card on for her on which everyone has written something.

Which is still pending. I already made the card but now everyone has to write something on it.

"So this day shortcake, is filled with surprises from your new found love, which is me." I announce in the fakest British accent possible..

She giggles.

"And for a starter, here's a chocolate." I give her the chocolate which I kept in my pocket.

"And now I'll give you gift number 2 and 3 in the break."

"Wait a second, how many gifts do you have?"

"Not many."

"Emmy......" she gives me a glare.

I grin cheekily.

We are friends and I am supposed to spoil her.

"Buh-bye baby, meet you in break."

I rush to the class, take the card out.

Now to the writing part. It's not difficult. People write 'Happy Birthday' , 'have a great life', 'you grew older' etc, etc, etc.

But there has been this one particular person who I left out, just because I don't want to deal with him.

But I have to.



"It's Katie's birthday, would you like to write something for her."

His eyebrows scrunch.

"Who Katie?"

He doesn't know her?

"You don't know her?" I voice out my thoughts.

He shakes his head.

"That short girl, long hair, dark complexion....."

When he still looks confused I continue," the new girl? We all were is same class in beginning of the year."

"Oh that one...Yeah okay." Mira took the card and wrote for him after writing for herself.

"He clearly doesn't remember." She mutters and hands it back to me.

I smile and walk away


"....and that's how I got married to Max Williams." I end my rant.

"Whoa...." Katie says.

"I fail to see that why in the whole world I am the one who has to go through this." I say almost angry.

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