"Zyshaun back up." He said balling up his fist, my fingers closed around his neck as I pushed him up against the wall. There was that defiance in his eyes that made me want to fuck him into submission, I leaned forward for a kiss and Yuri pushed me away at first I was confused until I followed his eyes and Saint was standing in the door.

"Hold on Saint give me a minute." I said watching him walk out. "Look I gotta go handle something but when I get back we're going to have a long discussion about your attitude." I said smiling.

"Nigga you are not my daddy." Yuri said stepping closer to me, aight if that's how he wanted to play I guess I was going to have to show him. "Plus I got some shyt to handle with Domo and his boy Justice." I nodded and gave him a quick kiss before heading out to find Mario.

"Saint relax......" I said as he tried calling Mario for the hundredth time. "Toussaint we're here, let's go inside." I said parking across the street from Mario's house, Saint was in such a rush to get to Mario that he almost got hit by a car trying to get across the street.

"Mario doesn't live here anymore." His mother said opening the door, yeah I really didn't like the way this bitch was looking at my son.

"Where is he?" Saint asked and I had to put my hand on his shoulder to get him to calm down.

"We kicked his little faggot ass out yesterday, so you really have no reason to be here......." She said smiling, Saint started to say something but I shook my head and pointed to the car and he stomped off pissed.

"Ma'am....... if anything happens to Mario I'll......" Before I could finish she slammed the door in my face and I was really tempted to kick the door in but I just walked back to the car and looked at Saint who was shaking he was so mad.  "Saint we'll find him." I said quietly and we rode around for hours looking everywhere until we ended up at the park not too far from Khalil's house and found Mario sleeping in one of the tunnels on the playground and I was instantly taken back to the day Linda left me in the park and my blood started to boil which was only intensified when I saw his face.

"Dad we gotta take him to the hosp....."

"NO!" Mario said quickly, we both looked at him confused as he fought back tears. "If we go to the hospital then they'll start asking questions and then they might take my sisters........ and despite how my parents act towards me they would never hurt one of them, I'm fine Saint." Toussaint looked like he was ready to argue but I pull him to the side.

"Saint he's trying to protect his sisters, respect that. We can go to Devin's and have Blaze look at him." I said quietly, I just hoped they were up.......

"Zy what the fuck are you doing here?" Devin said rubbing his eyes, I heard the twins crying upstairs and shook my head.

"Where's Blaze?" I asked and Devin looked at Mario and understood immediately. A couple minutes later we were sitting in the kitchen watching Blaze take care of Mario's wounds and Devin made him something to eat. Saint sat in the corner feeding Odion but he wasn't paying attention his focus was entirely on Mario, Blaze lifted Mario's shirt and gasped..... "Did they fuckin burn you with a iron?" I asked pissed, Mario nodded once and I heard Darion start crying over the monitor and I quickly left the kitchen to check on him because the longer I stayed in there the more pissed I became.

"Zy he needs to go to the hospital." Blaze said walking into the room with me and Darion.

"He doesn't want to go...... and forcing him would only cause more problems." I said looking up at him.

"No you don't understand he really needs to go to the hospital, he's dehydrated, that burn looks infected and those bruises on his back and ribs are pretty bad, I wanna get some x-rays done to make sure there isn't any fractures." Blaze said looking at me.

"Aight fine...." I said finally, because he knew better than I did. We spent most of the day in the hospital and Mario was asked a bunch of questions, I really wished I could've been in there but since I wasn't his parent I had to wait in the lobby.

"So Mario is coming home with us right?" Saint asked, his eyes red with exhaustion but he refused to go to sleep until he knew what was going on with Mario.

"I'm trying to work that out Saint, but I'm going to call Big Maxx and have him take you home, don't argue..... Saint you're barely keeping your eyes open the only thing keeping you up is sheer willpower, I promise once we're done here I'll bring Mario back to the house." I said and Saint relented even though he didn't want to. I didn't get the chance to call though because Mario walked out looking just as tired as Saint.

"They said I'm good to go." Mario said stifling a yawn..... I looked at Blaze how motioned me to follow him and I walked a short distance away but also keeping a close eye on those two.

"Mario should be fine but I really think you should tell the police what happened, Mario wouldn't say anything to them or Child Services but the last thing you want is his parents deciding they want him home and causing you necessary troubles, I'm sure Marcus or Tonya would be more than willing to help you with the paperwork and......" Most of what he said was drowned out because I was so tired but I got the gist of it, later today I was definitely going to look into getting Mario away from his crazy ass parents before I ended up doing something really bad to them.............................

Homecoming Pt.4Where stories live. Discover now