"Man I'm hungry as fuck." I said as we walked to the car.

"Noah you just ate; nachos, pizza, both of our popcorn, all our our candy and chili cheese fries how could you possibly still be hungry?" Jade asked smiling.

"I'm a growing boy, I need food to keep me going..... don't act like this is something new. So where are we going to eat?" I asked.

"Well I want to walk around the mall for a bit, then we can go where ever you want." Jade said and we walked through the mall, occasionally stopping to talk to a few people from our school.

"Have you give any thought to what we've talked about?" I asked as we walked around the fountain in the courtyard of the mall.

"Noah it's still too early to be talking about college, we still have three years to decide." Jade said looking at me out the corner of her eye.

"True but it's also to early to be talking about marriage and from what I understand you got your wedding dress pick out as well as the date." I said laughing.

"Yep and you better be there waiting for me pendejo." Jade said laughing. "Seriously Noah I think we should put all thoughts of our future off for a couple months at least until my mom and dad figure out if their getting back together or not."

"Whatever you want baby....... but can we please go get some food? I wasting away here." I said lifting my shirt to reveal my six pack. Jade rolled her eyes and started walking away and I had to apologize the the whole way to the restaurant because she hated when I 'showed off'.  "I forgot to tell you, that girl Timika is still talking about how she plans on stealing you from me." Jade said as I dug into my third plate of lasagna.

"Forget her, I'm not thinking about her and you shouldn't either let's just focus on what's important and that's us......" I said smiling.

"You got a little something......" She kissing me we stayed like that until the waiter walked over asking if we wanted dessert.

"Go ahead and order for both of us I'm about to go to the restroom." I said kissing her again and walking away. I stood in the mirror washing my hands when the door opened and five dudes walked in at first I didn't think nothing of it until I realized that one of the dudes was the same person I fought at the Valentine's Day Dance, a smile came to my face as I turned around facing them. "This isn't really fair..... if you're thinking about trying something you should've brought more people." I said confidently, they stood there looking at each other trying to figure who was going to make the first move and I wasn't about to wait to get jumped so I swung on the biggest one who looked around 18 or 19 and eventually the numbers game finally caught up to me.

"Grab him...." The one who's ass I beat said and I punched him dead in the mouth before the whole world became tinted in red, I dropped to my knees and covered my head as they all started kicking me..... I was losing consciousness as the ripped my shirt and I felt a sharp pain slicing across my back, the door to the bathroom opened, someone started yelling and they all ran out just as everything went black...............


I was tipsy as fuck, Marsean had challenged me to a drinking contest and I was never one to back down from a challenge, thank god Marcus was here to help me into the house otherwise I probably would've broke my neck trying to get in the door

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I was tipsy as fuck, Marsean had challenged me to a drinking contest and I was never one to back down from a challenge, thank god Marcus was here to help me into the house otherwise I probably would've broke my neck trying to get in the door. We were almost to the couch when Marcus's phone started ringing after a quick conversation Marcus let me fall on the floor.... Marcus told me what happened and all that matter was getting to my son.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?!?!?" I asked as soon as I got to the hospital as the doctors told me what they learned from Jade and the person who found Noah all I could think about was what I was going to do to those dudes as soon as I found them.

"His injuries aren't life threatening that's the good news." The doctor said and I was trying to figure out what part of any of this was 'good'. "He has a couple bruised ribs and a concussion but the most troubling part is the umm..... the word that was craved into his back."

"What word?" Marcus asked and I wasn't about to wait for answers from this doctor, I walked into Noah's room and he was sleeping on his side, I walked over to him and gently pulled back the bandage and felt rage like I've never felt before as I stared at the six letter word that was craved into my son's back.........................................

Homecoming Pt.4Where stories live. Discover now