"Umm what are y'all going to do with this house since we're moving?" Noah said looking around his room.

"We'll keep it unless someone wants to buy it, in which case we'll probably sell. But I know you didn't ask me down here to talk about this house and before you ask no Jade can't stay the night, I don't care if both her parents were here with her I already know what you're thinking and you're not slick." I said and he started blushing.

"I wasn't going to ask that.... I was wondering if since Jade can't stay over here, if next week me and her could go out without ten dudes following behind us. We're just going to go to the movies and probably go get something to eat afterwards." Noah said and my head instantly went to Iman......

"Noah there's too much going on right now for you to be going out on your own." I said and I saw the anger in his eyes.

"Okay dad.... I gotta finish packing." He said quietly. I knew he was pissed but I didn't care once he got older he would understand why we were going through such great lengths to protect him and the rest of our family, but I wasn't about to let him go out on his own. I started walking back upstairs when I heard Khalil and Devin arguing.


"OKAY SO WHAT YOU JUST WANT ME TO STAY HERE AND LET IMAN GO AFTER THEM OR Y'ALL? NAH I'M GOING TO END THIS SHYT NOW!" Devin said trying to walk past Khalil but Khalil grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall.

"Devin.... I already lost you once please just let Zyshaun handle this." Khalil said damn near begging. Devin looked at Khalil then at me and pushed past Khalil with Sa'vion and Dominique right behind him. "I gotta go with him Marcus, I can't let nothing happen to him, get the kids and go to Enzo's place I'll meet you over there." Khalil said kissing me and chasing after his brothers.

We got to Lorenzo's house and I kept looking at my phone every few minutes waiting for updates from Khalil. Cam had called and I knew he was trying to get in touch with Devin as well hopefully to get him to calm down, I looked over at Lorenzo who like the last ten times I've come over here was sleep on the couch but he was looking a lot better than he had been before his surgery.

"I just called Blaze, he's trying to get in touch with Devin if there's one person Devin will definitely answer for it's him." Legacy said sitting next to me, I saw his glance over to Lorenzo and I could see the worry in his eyes. "He's been sleeping more since his surgery..... but that could just be the pain pills and a little bit of his own mind playing tricks on him.... whenever he gets sick you'd think it was the end of the world."

"Then there's Tia....." I said quietly and Legacy nodded.

"I don't know what game she's playing, I swear the other day she pulled into the driveway and sat there for about ten minutes but when I walked out the house to see what she was doing here she drove off." Legacy said shaking his head. "I'm starting to think that bitch is crazy."

"I'll have my mom talk to her, from what I understand Tia actually likes my mom and I know my mom can get the truth out of anybody..... if you want me to." I added, Legacy nodded again and went back to watching Lorenzo sleep. Three hours went by without any word from Khalil or Devin and I was almost at the end of my rope when Khalil finally showed up with Devin and just in the nick of time because as soon as they walked in Liberty's water broke.


Iman's words were still ringing in my ear, I knew he wanted an answer and as badly as I wanted to give him one this wasn't a decision that could be rushed

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Iman's words were still ringing in my ear, I knew he wanted an answer and as badly as I wanted to give him one this wasn't a decision that could be rushed. I needed time to think about it but that was the main problem we didn't have time, from what I could guess he just narrowly avoided getting caught by Zyshaun's men and I knew his window was closing. You would've thought it would be easy for me to just say yes after what Devin did but I still loved him and I couldn't say yes to what Iman was asking.

"Nico.... baby I know it's hard but you gotta listen to me aight. If these dudes catch me I'm dead, there's no debating it they're not going to let me live especially after you told them what I was planning and I'm not blaming you but if I'm going to die I wanna make sure that nigga goes with me. Now the balls in your court, I'll do whatever you want me to do but we gotta make a choice right now before it's too late, so I'll ask you again; do you want me to kill this dude or not?" Iman asked again.

"Iman I......" I was stuck why was this so hard?

"Look baby, Cross has a placed set up for us outside the country. It's far away where I doubt anyone could find us, I just need you to go there and wait for me and I'll be there as soon as I can but I need you to decided now." Iman said and I knew that once I said these next words there was no going back but we were past the point of no return.

"Okay...... do it." I said hanging up, I knew I had to move quickly because once I hung up the phone I knew that by the end of the week either Iman or Devin would be dead and I wanted to be as far away as possible when it happened..........................

Homecoming Pt.4Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя