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For Certified_Blake thanks for requesting

"Hey Cass dose this look alright?" I asked about my shirt. "It looks great." He said. "Your sure it's not too revealing?" I asked really sweetly this time. "No you look amazing." He said them Enzo coughed to get my attention. "Brie you do know I'm your boyfriend right?" He asked in a duh tone I laughed. "Yeah I know." I said and winked back at Cass. "Brie can you come with me for a moment?" Enzo asked. I fallowed directions it might have sounded like a question but believe me it wasn't. "What's up?" I asked. "Why the hell are you flirting with Collin!?" He whispered to me all angry like. "I wasn't I was asking him if my shirt I wanted to know if it was too revealing." I told Enzo. "Um Brie your wearing a long sleeved flannel." Enzo pointed out to me. "Hey Bella!" I herd someone tell to me I turned around and saw Carmella. "Why are you hitting on my man?" She asked me getting in my face. "Chill out I wasn't hitting on him." I reassured her. "Really than why is he smiling ear to ear like an idiot?" She asked me through her thick New York accent. "I don't know." I said than Enzo broke it up to make sure she didn't start throwing punches. "Ladies ladies your both hot clam down." He told us I laughed, Carmella glared at me and gave me the I'm watching you sign then walked away, making sure Enzo saw her smile at him. "I hate when other girls hit on you." I said pointing to Carmella. "How do you think I feel?" Enzo said while laughing. "I'm sorry." I said with my head down. "It's good." Enzo said. "I know you secretly love it when I get jealous." He said and we walked out of the arena together. Hand in hand with my jean leaning on his shoulder.
Hope that's what you wanted thanks for requesting.💖

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