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"I like your belly button ring purples one of my favorite colors." Tyler complimented me he also said the same thing basically ably my tattoo it's a dreamcatcher on my left shoulder. We had just met on the UPUpDownDown show my friend Xavier introduced us. But Baron Corbin one of my best friends in the business was acting really strange and just walked past me without say a word. It's okay Viola just drug it off. "Thanks I have a match to get to I'll see you in a minute." I told him and we exchanged smiles my match was against the "man" himself Seth Rollins

After the match that I won by DQ Baron came to the ring and I thought it was to congratulate me so I waited. "V I'm so very happy you won the match. But I'm so very sick of your tattoo of you being a diva of you being in this business in in general. So I just wanted to tell you that I think you are the biggest bi-". He was cut off by Tyler's music and I felt I was being stabbed in the heart and back I wanted to cry but I sucked it up. Tyler picked up a mix and began to speak. "Baron you should should be ashamed of your self for making such a beautiful woman feel bad about herself. I also feel that your just jealous you wanna know why Corbin?" He asked and paused Baron said "yeah I wanna know" but it was hard to hear because he didn't use a mic. "Because I know that you know that the beautiful Viola Rose herself likes me over you so you can shut your mouth and leave her out of it." He said then both men threw the microphones down and ran at each other Baron got Tyler in the position of the "end of days". No I have to help. I sprinted my fastest and hit Baron in the back it didn't do much but he let Tyler got and was about to punch me but Tyler drop kicked him in the back of the head and he fell to the floor. Then we ran backstage together were he began to take to me. "Are you okay?" I asked he nodded. "Yeah. You?" "Yeah. Thank." I said he smiled and we walked out hand in hand.
Hope this is what you wanted thanks for requesting.

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