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For @CarmelJackDaughter thanks for requesting.
"Fox! Fox come here." Sasha yelled my other friends not far behind her Finn Neville and my brother Cesaro so I started to jog down to them. "What is it." I said bouncing up and down with excitement. "Sasha's having a party after the show and we want you to come." Finn announced I was shaking violently I was so excited it would be my first party with WWE superstar. "Great! Who's all coming?" I aksed my brother was trying to hold me down I was basically bouncing off the walls. "Calm down Fox." He said I did......somewhat. Don't judge me I was very excited and the 5 hour energy didn't help that at all. "You me Finn Neville Cesaro and Seth I don't think you have me though." Seth, Seth, Seth nope doesn't ring any bells. "I don't think so who is he?" I asked and everyone playfully gasped and acted all dramatic. "He's..." Sasha started taking a long pause. "Awe never mind he's not important." She said waving her hand off at me I rolled my eyes and smile.
After Raw we headed down to Sasha's and I was beyond excited we walked into her living room and it smelled like vanilla bean my favorite air freshener. "Okay were all here except of Seth." Sasha announced then a man with long black and blond hair walked in he was hot. Wait what did I just say? "Okay Fox this is Seth Seth this is my best friend Fox." Finn said we shook hands then my brither had the idea of playing truth or dare and we all agreed it made me feel like we were bacj at home,we all sat in a circle it reminded me of kindergarten when we had circle time at least that's what I called it. The game rolled on and I wasn't mentioned until the very end when Seth was dared. Oh crap when ever I'm involved in a date and it's not my own it's never good for me. "Hello Fox you away over there." I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I herd Seth trying to get my attention then my eyes locked in on his. "What I zoned out." I said defensively raising my hands everyone slightly laughed. "Then dare was for Seth to kiss you are you okay with it or are you both to chicken?" Finn asked me with a smug look on his face I wasn't gonna take that sitting down even thought I kinda am at the moment....don't judge me! "I'm not afraid of anything Baylor so watch me make you eat your words." I said and next thing I knew my.lips we pressed opon Seth's luckily I was sitting down or I would've collapsed.
I hope this is what you wanted. Thanks for requesting✌

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