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For @explitmox hope you like it and sorry for the wait
Rory's POV

"YES!" Once we got to the backstage area and to our locker rooms screaming in excitement for about the hundredth time since we are finally in me and my best friends Sasha Bank's hometown of Boston, Massachusetts and I couldn't me be happier. I only get to see my family so much because we travel 300 days a year so when we can see our families we really take advantage of it.

"Hey after the show why do ya' say we and a few other friends hang out before you catch up with your family?" Sasha offered, the flight to the next place wasn't till Saturday, and I gladly took the opportunity to hang out with my friends outside of the ring.

"Sure it sounds like fun." I agreed. Sasha smiled and waved goodbye as she went to the curtain for her match against Bayley. Which was the main event so afterwards we would be heading out. I watched the match intently taking notes and just being a fan.

"Hey hey hey!" I quickly turn to see one of mine and Sasha's good friends Kalisto followed by Xavier Woods, Big E and Kofi.

"Hey what's up guys!" I beamed with excitement at my friends. Man I love these guys.

"Are you coming with us after Sasha's match?" E asked. I pretended to be sad and disappointed.

"I wish I could but my older brother only in town tonight from collage." I lied through my teeth.

"Awe man that bites big time." Kalisto exclaimed then scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "Wait you don't have a brother." He laughed catching my lie.

Our little group started laughing. "Awe geez what did I miss?" Someone said from the doorway I turned around slightly to see Sasha.

"Kalisto actually listing to me." I said putting up jazz hands and plastered on a large goofy smile. She did the same thing in return.

"That's a first." Kofi joined in earning more laughter.

"I'm sure if it weren't for the mask we could see him turning pink." Xavier joker jumping on the bandwagon.

"Why are you guys always picking on the little guy?" Kalisto asked in mid laugher. "Is everyone ready?" He asked we all nodded, Sasha must've thrown clothes over her ring gear, and we headed out into the parking lot.

As we walked I saw a man on the phone that I couldn't make out who it was, my other friends were in deep conversation, only his voice sounded filmar to me. We kept inching closer but still on the other side of the section by now I could make out that it was, Dean Ambrose, and he wasn't happy. "Hey guys I'll be right back." I said quickly and walked over to him.

He wasn't yelling but quietly talking anger staining his voice. "Whatever. Have fun." He spat with sarcasm and pushed the button ending the conversation.

I took a few steps back just in case he didn't know I was there, I didn't want him to know I herd is conversation, and tapped on his shoulder. He jumped a little and turned having me, we where only two or so I inches from each other, and I was nervous to speak. "Hey Dean-" I began to talk only to have him cut me off piling his hand to me palm up.

"Skip to the point princess I know you herd me on the phone. What do you want?" He asked, in a weird tone, his voice wasn't happy but it wasn't angered or upset either. More like he couldn't care any less what would happen next, I quickly found myself intrigued by it, before things got awkward I answered his question.

"What was that?" I simply asked trying not to pry but at the same time wanting to help him.

"Nothing really, just normal shit that happens every day." He scoffed at my concern it was just a step up from telling me to eff off and then giving me the finger while riding away on a motorcycle.

I raised an eyebrow. "Your not as slick as you think Ambrose. Fess up what's going on?" I pressed on hoping to get a good result.

He let his face drop a little and took a deep breath placing his hand on the back of his neck. "It's Renee, we got into a major fight and now I don't have a room to stay in for the night. Every other hotel room is booked solid." He said removing his hand in a sign of complete hopelessness.

I thought for a moment, then I had an idea,  I felt bad about the big fight. Then suddenly I had an amazing idea. "You can sleep on the couch in my hotel room." I offered only for him to shake his head again like he was unsure of what to do.

"I don't know me and Renee aren't over yet I think it would be fair to her. Besides I don't want to invade on your personal space." He said putting his hands up.

"Well I can't answer you about Renee. But I'm the one who offered it would not be an invasion of my space at all." I said trying to persuade him that it was a good idea hoping it would work.

He shoved his thumbs in his pockets and bowed his head slightly. "OK, but only for one night Rory I'm serious I don't want to make Renee feel uncomfortable." He said I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes and scoffing at his stupidity. Why can't he just see I'm trying to be nice it's not that big of a deal.

"Ok." I said sweetly anyways ignoring his previous comments. I'm hoping that was just the fight talking and not actually Dean. "Hey guys Deans coming with us." I announced, there wasn't too much commotion about that, and we were off to have a good time.


We went to a local, but actually huge, club so we could eat and dance killing two birds with one stone. "Tonight was fun." Kalisto said as we entered the hotel lobby.

"I know we need to do it again soon." I agreed with that we all went to our separate room, well other then Dean, to turn in for the night. I took out the room key and entered it into the slot waiting for the clicking sound then walked inside.

"Mí casa su casa." I said gesturing into the room while Dean is walking in.

"Thanks for letting me stay here tonight." He actually showed gratitude towards me. I just gave him a small nod and turned to walk into my room but I felt a firm but gentle grasp on my upper arm. "Hey Rory." He began but paused. "I didn't mean to act like an ass earlier I was just pissed off about Renee. It really was super cool of you to offer me a place to stay tonight." He said looking into my eyes but I could tell that his mind was still filled with Renee. His face looked hurt and like he was missing her.

I had and idea and smirked at him. I wanted to take his mind off of her and their huge fight. So I did the only thing logical.....I tackled him to the couch and started play hitting him. He flipped us so I was straddling his lap and we were staring into each other's eyes each of us were breathing hard.

It all happened so quick and next thing I know our lips were sloppily smashed together in a very lusted and heated kiss. I could feel my knees go week and my body loosened up with butterflies in my stomach.

Sadly he broke the kiss so he could breath, before we could get started again, his phone rang. Dean picked it up and put it to his ear trying to steady his breathing. "Heyo." He answered but since it was a phone conversation I couldn't hear it. He stood up and walked outside leaving me sitting in silence. After forever I think he finally came back in.

"Hey Rory um...." He awkwardly began. "I uh...I have go go." I think my heart just sank into my gut. "Renee wants to make things work and she needs me." He explained I smiled and nodded in agreement. I really wanted to be happy for him but I can't help but feel a little selfish since I kissed him.

"Oh..uh...okay I guess I'll see you in Brooklyn then." I said with a fake smile.

"I'm sorry about-"

"Dean it's fine she's your girlfriend you should go to her." I said not wanting to still see him. The door closed behind him and with that he's gone.

I'm so sorry for the wait I've been busy with school starting and work.

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