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For TheBadNewsAddiction my first VIP so thank you for showing love and support hope you like it. (Part two)

Me and Becky were waiting for Kalisto and Apollo we were all going on a camping trip I invited Apollo and Becky's coming along since they're dating. If your not aware of me and Kalisto he stood up for me after I was eliminated from the Royal Rumble and we have gone on several dates since. "So are you and Kalisto like you know in love." Becky asked raising an eyebrow and playfully elbowing my arm. "I wouldn't call it love but we aren't just crushing so I don't know what to call it." She grinned. "Lushing." I raised an eyebrow and was readjusting my nose ring. "Lushing? What's that?" I asked my grabbing my bag. Were are they I thought the girls normally take longer. Maybe Kalisto couldn't decide what mask to were. I thought to myself with a laugh and a little blush. "Lushing it's a mix between love and crushing." I nodded then I saw Kalisto and Apollo coming down the hall. "Took you long enough what took you so long?" I asked Apollo and Kalisto exchanged grins. "I couldn't decide what mask to wear." Kalisto said. Called it! I thought and was doing my best not to laugh. "So is it okay if we share a tent?" Kalisto asked I nodded and had the most dorky smile across my face and was blushing like crazy. "Ohhhh." Becky said while Apollo was making kiss noises. "Zip it you are sharing a tent too." Kalisto said in defense. "Yeah but we've been dating for nine months and you have been dating for a month." Apollo said back. "Drop it." Me and Becky said in unison.
We had arrived at a beautiful camp site in the mountains I couldn't wait to go biking. "Do you guys need any help with the tent?" I asked. "Naw I got it but thanks." Kalisto said he had just finished setting up the tent I have to say I'm impressed me and Becky loaded the bikes out of the back of the car. "Shinny." I said as the gleam of the sun reflected off the bike. "I know I'm getting distracted." Becky laughed. We got the bikes out of the car and the guys had sent up the tent. "I don't know about you but I'm going for a ride anyone want to come?" I asked Kalisto nodded and got his bike then met up next to me. "We're gonna stay back we have to.....do our taxes." Apollo said I shook my head. "Have fun." I laughed they smiled as me and Kalisto left. I speed by him but he caught up and sped by me. I hate racing you. I thought I wasn't paying attention and my front tire hit a tack on the trail I was throw of my bike and skinned my knees up it hurt as much as when I was thrown out of the ring at the Rumble. I yelled in pain, Kalisto instantly dropped the bike and ran to me. "Whoa are you okay." I nodded I didn't want to talk. "Well I'm not letting you walk on it come here." He said and picked me up, our bikes were out of the way so he carried me back to the site when he walked to was rocking me to sleep somehow then I closed my eyes and relaxed.

"Ashley. Ashley we're at the camp." Kalisto said in my ear gently and lightly shook me awake. We were already in the tent Becky and Apollo must be asleep. "Thanks but you didn't have to carry me." I said he shook him head and smiled. "Yeah I did. You didn't actually think I would leave you right?" He asked I shook my head he was too sweet to do that he helped me put some bandages on it. Next thing I knew our faces were inches away and he gently pressed his lips on mine I was blushing madly and butterflies were sent up my stomach my knees went numb. "Are y'all kissing?" I herd Apollo yell. "Finally." Becky added. Me and Kalisto just blushed and went back to business.
I hope this is what you want thanks for requesting❤️👏✌️

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