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For GoodAmbrose thanks for requesting and sorry for the wait I hope you like it.
Beau's POV
I put on the sappy love eyes reading over my scrip with my best friend Dean Ambrose. "Ooh la la guess who gonna be getting in the romance tonight." I said and holy hell the life drained from Dean almost on the turn of a dime.

"What do you mean?" He said almost...angry? I couldn't tell at all. Before I could answer he started speaking again. "It's so stupid, these writers have no creativity whatsoever." He spat in a very upset tone. "Beau your so above all that typical bullshit and don't need to use your sexuality to make a mark in WWE." He stopped ranting and took a deep breath, I can only assume, to calm down. "Who's it with?" He asked one last question.

"Ummm...." I said looking through it to see my partner. "Seth." I paused one last time a snickered. "I heard he's a great kisser, I wonder if it's true?" I chuckled at my own joke but I don't think Dean had the same sense of humor as I did.

"If I were you I'd reject the storyline, it's stereotypical and dumb." He said shooting his cup of coffee into the tin catering garbage can failing to make eye contact with me throughout the whole sequence. It stayed quite for a minute or two then Dean spoke up. "I have to pee." He bluntly announced and walked off.

I've been texting Dean all day and he won't respond. When I was brought up from NXT about a year ago Dean was the first one to show kindness towards me. We've grown really close over the past year and I hate the fact that he's ignoring me. I worst part is I don't know if he's mad or not. 

There was a knock at my door that peeled my out on my thoughts. I stood up and opened it to reveal think it would be a normal conversation but when I saw, Stephanie McMahon on the other side with a sympathetic smile, I knew something was up and I did not like it. "Hello Steph is everything okay?" I respectfully asked motioning for her to enter the comfort of my neat dressing room.

"Sadly no miss Chavez." She began, I prepared for the worst but hoped for the best as I silently put my brown hair in a pony tail. "I'm really sorry to inform you that Mr. Rollins is against the romantic storyline and has declined I'm sorry but you won't be on TV tonight." She explained with pity in her voice and empathy in her eyes.

"Oh." I began obviously hurt but Seth but I smiled anyways. "That's alright next time I guess." I said trying to hind the disappointment in my voice but sorely lacking. My next move was to find Seth and see why he didn't want to do the storyline.

I was searching high and low before I found him, he was by the hair and makeup talking to the Usos while they got their face pain applied. "Seth." I beckoned to him but as soon and he saw me he ran but, luckily for me, I was faster and jumped on his back holding him in a chokehold. "Why didn't you want to do the storyline?" I questioned.

"Because...I thought it was...disrespectful...to assume...you wanted...to." He stuttered tying to catch his breath. I let lose for a minute but stayed on his back. He heaved to catch his breath.

"Tell me the truth." I pressed further once he failed to answer I put him in the same hold again.

"Because...your to...talented and over the...stereotypical...sex image." Hmmm I wonder were I've herd that before, notice the sarcasm, effing Dean.

"The." Tighter grip. "Full." Tighter grip. "Truth." Till he absolutely couldn't breath then I let him lose and got off his back.

He took a minute of silence to reclaim and regain his breath again.  "Fine. Ambrose said he would kill me if I went through with it." He bluntly blurted out. I didn't know how to feel I didn't like him messing with my career like this.

"Why would we do that?" I asked hoping for this to make sense. Seth gave me a duh look.

"Beau your smart, isn't it obvious. I've got to go shoot a promo." He said walking away. I watched and stood there dumbfounded looking like an idiot.

"What were you and Seth talkin' bout." Dean said smoothly coming up to me as if nothing happened until he saw the look on my, very pissed yet confused, face.

"I think you know." I said smartly, crossing my arms over my chest, to see if he would catch on. He moved his hands as if to show his confusion.

"I'm not picking up what your putting down there little lady." He says lightly shoving my arm.

"Why did you tell Seth not to do the storyline, and threaten kill him, because it's stereotypical?" I questioned as if I was part of the FBI and trying to hunt down a dangerous serial killer or ten.

"No." He simply said and offered my some of his new vanilla latte I took the cup and drank what just because I'm mad doesn't mean I'm not thirsty don't judge I'm sure you would do the same damn thing.

"Then why I need a solid answer so I know weather to be pissed or not." I pointed out. "This could make or break you Dean it better be good." I added.

"Look Beau I..I don't want to see you kissing anyone." He explained I rolled my eyes.

"It's not real Dean it's a story line." I said back in an annoyed and duh tone.

"I don't care weather it's real or fake it's still your lips on someone's face and I don't want your lips on someone's face unless it's mine." He blurted fast.

I was a little ashamed for the way I accused him, in my mind, for sabotage of my career. "Then let me help you with that." With that I pressed my lips lightly into his.

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