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For @XXanimeseeker22XX hope you enjoy it
"Come on it'll be worth it I swear." Your good friend Undertaker says trying to convince you that going out to the bar would be fun. "Don't you trust me." You bite your lip knowing to do trust him but the bar isn't really your goto place to be.

"Fine I'll go. But I swear I I get drunk we are calling a driver to take us back to the hotel room, got it?" You say Taker nods yes and you two pile into the car.

"So what bar are we going to?" You ask even thought whenever Taker drives he's laser focused on the road at all times.

"The first one we find." He simply replied you just nod you head and stare out the window keeping an eye out for possible place to stop.


"We're here." Taker stops the car in front of local bar call "Dave's." You find yourself wondering who Dave is or if it was just named that for no reason and how people name their bars.

"Let's go." Taker said you fallowed him in and found a stop at the bar side sitting in the comfortable elevated cushioned stools. It was a little past 5 o'clock so happy hour had already began. Before you know it there's already a beer glass I front of you. "This is a drinking game I always played with some of my older buddies after high school." He paused a little. "What you do is you drink until one of you taps and the loser had to say something g they've never told anyone." You agree l play just hoping to win.

One bottle turns into two then into three up until at least six. You tap thinking this isn't healthy and your stomach is begging for mercy. "Alright I'm out." You say as your stomach does flips, holding it hoping your liquor would stay down, you think of what to tell him.

"Yeah don't rush yourself  especially with how much you just drank." His voice was unwavering like he's done the millions of time. That man can hold his beer.

"Um.." Sadly you know there's only one thing you've never told anyone. "I have feelings for you." You say hiding your face in embarrassment. Instead of harassment your greeted with compassion from your friend.

"If I knew, I would've asked you out sooner." He admitted looking back at you suddenly your not so embarrassed. You pick your head off the counter and smile.

"Did you just ask me out?" You grin.

"That depends on your answer." Taker said making bother of you laugh.

"I'll gladly go out with you Taker." You smiled and can't wait till your first official date.

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