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For -BlissfulAkuma thanks for requesting

"So we were just starting that it outrageous that the tag champs didn't win the slammy for best tag team and it goes to the Lucha Dragons." Kofi Kingston yelled while all three of them were making weird hand gestures. I rolled my eyes. "I mean come on Jet you don't honestly thing the can beat us when smackdown goes live tomorrow." Big E said shrugging his massive shoulders. I mean really they're like the size of my head. "I don't know they've beaten you before." I said shrugging my shoulders and playfully copying the screwed up hand gestures. "Come then Jet you try being a tag champ." I rolled my eyes. "Trust me having a crush on AB is a lot harder." I said I've never told anyone who AB is but some have figured out it's Alexa Bliss. She had a match today but she lost I felt bad for her because I won mine she was walking by and I guess I was kinda starting. "Hello earth to Jet. Your staring at Alexa I thought you liked A-." Woods started to say but then he trailed off and was smiling at me like an idiot. Oh crap he found out. "Her? It's her you like her?" He said the E and Kingston caught on and started to get all giddy and jumpy. "Alexa Bliss is AB dang. Well she's right there go talk to her." Big E said while pushing me forward but I wouldn't budge. I was never confident enough to talk to her and if I was I know better not to do it after she losses her match that has red flag all over it. Then the all just started to talk at once I herd things like "come on you got this" and "go for it she's right the don't let he leave" or "new day rocks new day rocks." New day rocks typical I mean I like the new day it just sometimes they take the gimmick way to far. "Okay okay Jet if you go and talk to her I will go ask Natalya's sister on a second date." Big E said I rolled my eyes he must want me to talk to her more than I thought because he didn't like Nattie's sister that much he didn't hate her though. "Fine I'll go talk to her." I said and my knees were shaking my arms went numb I knew I wasn't ready for this when I walked up to her she smiled at me and I thought I was gonna crash right then. "Hey Jet right?" She said I'm not the kinda guy who swoons over a girl knowing his name so I played it off. "Yeah I was wondering if you've seen Zack Ryder?" I asked thinking of a random excuse. "I'm yeah he and Emma went to his locker room." I thanked her and walked back to the New Day. They were laughing hysterically. "Smooth move slick. Oh have you seen Zack Ryder?" Logo said make a me impression. "I do t sound like that." I said and walked back to my locker room. Nice on Jet.

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