XXXVI. The Spy

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His study was quiet. The door was locked and it seemed that nothing, not even a bloody fire, could make them leave the room. Cole was intent on keeping her there until she told him everything. He did not say so, but his gaze did.

Margaret drew a breath and let it out. She may be his lover, but she was also a Leaguer. And that's how she must face him.


A simple request, really, but it placed such great weight on Margaret. Her plans with Calan and her hope for their future relied greatly on this moment.

"I joined the League of Founders a few years ago. I have been working with them ever since."

His jaw tightened, a fire of fury and betrayal shadowed his eyes. "Is that why you approached me? Made attempt to be friends?"

Margaret paled and nodded. "I was given my mission after Osmond Trilby's death. You were a suspect. You still are, I believe."

"A mission," he scoffed, shaking his head. "And you did not even try to reject it? Given our history? I could have fooled you. Could have used you."

"I'm a Leaguer, Cole. Please don't think me so daft. I would know if you were playing tricks on me."

"Oh, truly?" he asked. "It wasn't so hard to make you my lover again."

She knew he was angry and he wanted to hurt her. "I know. Neither was it for me."

His jaw tightened. His silence meant he was deliberating. Killing her? Throwing her out? She could not tell so instead she just shook her head. "Yes, mayhap I did doubt your innocence at first. The evidence was quite strong. There are witnesses during your visit and the argument that followed. You left Willowfair on the same night Trilby was murdered—"

"Because I had to take Fiona away."

"I know that now."

"Of course you do. You're one good spy. You managed to creep into Ashmore."

Ignoring his ire, Margaret continued. "When I learned about the slavery case you're working on, I started to have doubts. Maybe you're right. Maybe someone else killed Trilby. After I discovered Fiona and found nothing in your estate that bolster your connection to the murder, I talked with my mentor."

"Calan Haverston. In Sheills."

She nodded. The guilt was eating at her, but she had to keep her gaze steady. She had to look him in the eye and make him see that she was being honest. "I offered him the case."

His eyes slowly narrowed and his jaw twitched. "You told him about the slavery case. My case."

"No, not just yours. It's also mine. I also have to protect Faye. I know I betrayed your trust, but I had a duty to fulfill. I had to make them understand why you could not have killed Trilby."

"And now the League is on their way here? To take everything?"

The betrayal was clearly painted on his face. "No, of course, not," she said. "They're willing to work with us."

"Us," he said, shaking his head with a sarcastic laugh. "You truly made sure this case is ours, didn't you? So you can sell it to the people who could very well be working with the bloody trade!"

Margaret was awed that she did not flinch. His voice boomed in all corners of the room. "I also do have people I trust, Cole. It's not just you. They're the people who helped me be who I am today. And yes, I trusted them with your secrets. Because I had to."

Again, he laughed. "To what? Save me from being convicted of murder? I know they suspect me, Margaret. And I know they don't have enough and they will never have enough because I didn't kill Trilby."

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