XXVII. Nightmares

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Margaret did not know what to say. Her mind rushed to different possibilities. One of them, of course, was that Cole was merely making it all up.

"As we speak, the League believes I killed Osmond Trilby."

Margaret swallowed hard. "What makes you believe so?"

"I was with the man before he died and our meeting did not end cordially. The only reason I have not yet been arrested is because they may not have enough proof."

"But you didn't do it, did you?"

A wry smile curled his lips. "Anyone with enough power can make anything possible. Putting the blame on me shall make things convenient for these men because by prosecuting me, they shall also be putting a stop to the investigation on their illegal trade." He smiled when she merely kept quiet. "Do you think I did it?"

Margaret opened her mouth to speak, but it took a moment before she managed to say, "I believe you would not intentionally cause anyone harm, Cole. And I cannot judge you now. My head is still reeling with everything you've just shared."

Her answer must have satisfied him because he nodded and apologized. "I do not mean to lobby for your support. I only told you everything because I know you would want to have reasons to keep this a secret."

"Of course."

"No one can know about Fiona, Meg."

She nodded.

Bloody tarnation. What was she supposed to do now? Margaret was not merely feeling guilty. She was feeling quite miserable because of it as well.

How would she ever tell him? How would he take it?

He doesn't have to know, a part of her said. This was a League matter. She was bound to her oath.

Then what would she tell Calan Haverston?

"How long did you tell your family you would be in Standbury?"

Cole's question drew her from her thoughts. "A fortnight," she replied.

He slowly nodded in that way of his that indicated he was thinking things through and that a plan was being formed. "If you wish to stay—"

"Yes," she eagerly interjected. Then she blinked. "I mean... I mean if you do not mind."

The smile he gave her told her he definitely had a plan in mind. She thought he would reveal it now, but instead he said, "Then you may want a proper introduction."

"To Fiona?"

Cole shrugged. "There is no use keeping her sequestered away from you now that you know of her presence. She had not been around anyone else but the household staff and I since her arrival and it has been making her a little restless. I believe you would be a breath of fresh air for the child."

She searched his face for a sign of a hidden agenda. She found none. "You do not know how to handle her, do you?"

Cole's face grimly nodded. "I have to admit it has been quite challenging. She is merely three but can be quite manipulative. And I'm afraid I do not have the experience to deal with it all."

Her eyes widened. "And you think I do?"

"You have the twins," he pointed out.

"Yes, but this child is a different matter. She is like a delicate vase I would loathe to break."

"The very mere fact that you are aware of her delicate situation makes you a perfect companion."

She sighed. "This was not what I had in mind when I came here." As he laughed, Margaret reached for her drink and emptied her cup. "I have one question. Why does Edmund Trilby care so much for this girl?"

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