XVII. Brothers

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Cole had not sent for her, nor had he ever made any indication that he would. Did he simply say yes because he needed her to leave him alone? Did he not care about the slave trade at all?

Apparently, yes.

Why then, did he act so concerned for her safety? Why bother discourage her into getting involved?

He might be a part of it.

She paced around the room, arms crossed, eyes closed.

Finally, she gave in and groaned.

Walking behind her desk, she reached for her dipping pen. She must write a short missive to Calan Haverston. This was not working.


Her hand stilled. Mayhap she had not tried hard enough.

"Ah, bloody hell," she murmured and continued writing.

Dear Lord Ashmore...


The young man in the hallway of the Men of Courts jumped to his feet as Cole approached. "Bring me everything necessary for a registry application."

"Registry application, my lord?"

"You heard correctly. I need everything before the day ends."

"Right away, my lord."

Without another word, Cole proceeded to his office where two letters were already waiting.

One from his mother which he immediately set aside, and the other was from Edmund Trilby. He had instructed the young man to address future missives to the Men of Courts because no man was ever safe in their own households. With the number of letters being delivered to their building, they would be safe. As long as Edmund Trilby was careful with his words.

After reading, Cole sighed and crumpled the note in a fist. He reached for his pen and scribbled a fast reply.

I have trusted eyes watching her. Stop sending unnecessary notes and stop fretting.

Another note arrived shortly after.

Dear Lord Ashmore,

Will you be attending the Seymour ball?


Margaret Everard

Jaw tight, he reached for his pen.


-Cole Devitt

A reply returned in less than an hour, delivered by her footman. "Stay," he ordered the man as he read.



The footman stood from across the table as he wrote.

Simply no.

-Cole Devitt

The same footman was breathless when he returned.

Did you only say yes the other day to be rid of me? Otherwise, tell me when we should meet.


He glared at the sweaty footman before him. "Stand back," he ordered. The man took a step back. Cole covered his reply with the other hand.

Stop this nonsense. I will call for you at the right time.


The footman arrived later as expected looking as though he traveled to Willowfair and back on foot. Fearful that her reply would reveal more details for the footman to see, Cole read the note on his lap under the table.

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